(no subject)

Jul 25, 2007 22:42

I could just scream!

Trying to get stupid OU assignment done for stupid business studies course. I thought this one would be ok; it's an accounting exercise and I consider myself to be pretty good with numbers and financial stuff, so I was confident it wouldn't be too troublesome. However, I neglected to take into account the appalling standard of writing in both the course materials and the assignment questions themselves. It's so ambiguous, the chances of stumbling upon the answers they want are slim to none.

It's been winding me up since day one of this course, and the fact that it's made the part of the course I was most confident about so totally inaccessible just adds insult to injury. There are complaints all over the course forums and message boards, including some from people who do business accounting for a living and are still struggling, but there's nothing the course board will (or can) do about it until the next time they run the course in October or something. A couple of people have even given up on the course entirely, this being the last straw. Thankfully I'm not beaten yet, but I'm fully expecting a shitty mark on this one and I'm bloody pissed off about it.

It's such a shame - my OU experience before this course was fab, with the only stress being my own fault for leaving stuff 'til the last minute... No doubt I shall write a letter to someone when I have the time, although I'm tempted to say it's a subject-wide problem and I should have known better than to take a course in a subject I was never likely to empathise (that's not the right word, but my brain's ceased normal functioning) with.



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