Jul 22, 2010 13:29
So I'm in upstate NY working on this feature. Luisa Miranda recommended me for it. I was supposed to come on as a construction supervisor, but I almost immediately did not get along with the rest of the art department. They are incredibly inexperienced, and actually have never worked on a movie before. They don't even understand what their job descriptions entail. So the expectations they have are extremely unrealistic. I was expected to paint an entire room and 2 hallways in just a few hours. And the molding. And I got shit for it when I couldn't do that. I sent Luisa an outraged email and apparently he did the same. I kind of win by default because Luisa knows what idiots they are.
So Kaet, the scenic, shows up the other day and she ends up doing all the construction with Mark and I am running a crew of teenagers doing the scenic work. How does that make sense? Also fun, she is the one I screwed up with last year, I volunteered to set dress for her on this project and missed one day because she called me at 3am, and the next day I actually had no idea what was going on. I'm sure she told Luisa about that. That was an embarrassing thing. But anyway it's kind of a slap in the face to have my job taken over by a scenic. But she has way more experience than me, and is a year younger, which is also embarrassing. These people are real idiots though, Kaet & Luisa aside. They actually hired a crew of local kids instead of actual art PAs. Can't figure that one out.
On the upside, I'm completely in love with upstate NY. I want to own land here someday, seriously.