Singing in the rain

Jun 04, 2010 09:57

So, the prof who gave me my First Computer Job back in the Dark Ages is retiring.

His Brilliant Plan (because he's a medievalist and that's How We Roll) is to gather a group of people and go serenade various campus entities who have helped him out over the years. Starting with the librarians, which IMO is Totally Awesome.

Since I'm working a contract and more or less have my deadlines in order, I am taking the day off to join these shenanigans.

The hitch in this getalong is that it might rain. In Davis. In June. When it is more likely to be 100 F and dry as the proverbial bone.

But I'll be there. I'm looking for my bright pink umbrella to go with my spiffy black-and-white paisley ensemble.


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