Good news/Bad news

Oct 08, 2009 17:02

The bad news: I forgot to pick up my CSA box for the first time in well over a year last night. Saw the empty box from last week by the door this morning and did a facepalm.

The good news: it wasn't because I was sitting around the house feeling sorry for myself. I was actually cleaning out my fridge, shining my sink, and then making oven ratatouille during the time I usually get it. This is the first time I have made ANYTHING remotely that elaborate myself for a while.

(I have thawed hamburger, so I can make shepherd's pie with a lot of the remaining veg.)

I had also had lunch with a former co-worker, paid a short hospital visit, and started cleaning up after Maggie the Entropist.

Must plan tomorrow's baking extravaganza, and get back to sending out resumes.

d'oh!, domesticity

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