Dec 25, 2006 18:17
what more could one want as klempa said. pajama pants and 190 in cash. All total...I have 213 including tips from blondies. plus my paycheck will be somewhere around 300. thats really good. i'll break 8500 for tuition. too bad its gunna be 11000. time to take out another loan. before the first one starts paying off. schools gunna be a bit cheaper next year... but i'm trading my dorm and meal plan for just the apartment...but i doubt i'll spent much on food. the meal plan is such a waste of money. i only eat in the dining hall once a day. i pay for 3 meals a day. 2 grand. i'm happy to be making money over break. i dont know how alex is going to do not working for an entire month. he's got rent to pay. and bills. poor baby. i offered to help him out. >.< because i'm such an "amazing, gorgeous, beautiful girlfriend". he's so good to me. he wants so badly to come out to cali and see me. i want to but neither of us can afford to buy him a plane ticket out here...
so yesterday i worked...and talked to alex lots...and then came home and had a fancy x-mas eve dinner with the parentals. then this morning. i woke up and opened xmas things. pajama pants, hello kitty coloring books and cash. john also owes me 2 shopping trips. One i'ma exchange for a digital camera.
I very much plan on not eating for the most part as of tomorrow. i'm getting better at it. today i didnt eat till the fancy lots of food. yesterday same way cept that there was pesto veggie pizza and i couldnt say no to that.
tomorrow after work i'm taking bart to Lafayette to spend time with Laurel. We're gunna go see a movie or something. That should be a lot of fun.
Wednsday i work and then i'm doing dinner with katie. so it is planned. and then after that i'm gunna go chill with Grecya at her hotel for a bit. I think.
If anyone wants to chill... I'm going clubbing with Mariya on friday at 9:30, if ur 18 and want to come. Let me know. We are getting drunk and going to SF.