Remembrance Day

Nov 11, 2006 10:25

Here in Canada, Nov 11 is known as Remembrance Day - in the US, it is Veterans Day.....this was sent to my by a sister, Celtic Myst - let us all remember everyone, not just the soldiers, but the families, the nurses and doctors, and those who helped get thru all the conflicts at home....

prayer for Veteran's Day
(I converted this to fit my intent and need. I hope
that this works for all. it was sent to me by my
loving husband who knew I could do something with it
to make it feel how I feel now)

God of the ages, we thank you for all who have served
in the armed forces ofthis country.

Comfort those who grieve for those who gave the last
full measure of devotion. Strengthen those who bear
physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. Stand with
those who provide care to them. Move us to reach out
to sisters and brothers.

Guide us to work for the day when no one
needs to serve in the military.

I ask, I implore the Lord and Lady who watches over us
all to hear the need and the intent of this prayer and
to bring it to full measure.

So mote it be

Blessed Be
Moma (Mary Lou) aka Celtic Myst
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