My Weekend so far

May 14, 2005 22:21

Friday I had a game and we won...5-2 it was kool...Sam I hope ur she hurt heself slidin into 3rd...It was really wet so ya the ground sucked wnt to bed early tht night cuz my game tired me woke up this morin and wnt to jimmie'z game it was fuckin cold but I didnt care..Good job jimmie u kicked I think he won I'm not sure lol...I came home and waited until my bro got hom to go to Tyler'z graduation party...It was fun lol...we just sat there and talked to him...He said tht it sucked and he wnted it to be over really bad I started laughin...I had loads of fun lol...He is commin next weekend to my bro'z it is goin to be fun...well I am sittin at home bored as hell...Well I will updated whn I have time...

Tyler luv ya alwayz and forever...
Jimmie I luv

aShLeY jO

I am brin my camera on monday anybody wnt a I wont forget about u jimmie I cnt forget out Luv ya...
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