(no subject)

Jan 24, 2007 00:11

So I haven't posted in along time. This is par for the course. I am not going to engage at length the question of what I have been doing because I have been so busy already that I am not sure I know anymore.

I wrote a Qual in the Religion department which was not as hard as I expected. Preperation was key. I also took an interesting risk on this qual, which the more I talk to people the more it seems like it was actually something of a risk.

Ummm... I have a ridiculous course load. I am still wandering about in a daze of work that I have to try and get done and the worst part is I love all my classes (that I have been to, although if I don't love Junior Sem. I will hold certain of my classmates fully responsible). I therefore, intend to do all of the work for them. This involved, for example, 200 pages of Arendt (who is an amazing writer, I can't believe I never read her before), 40 pages of Kaftka, and 40 some odd pages of Schleiermacher that I only had to skim cause I have read it before. This actually after writing it down doesn't seem so bad, but my intuition tell me that once I throw in Junior Sem research and paper writing (English and German woot) I am going to be really busy.

I do know that ennui will not set in and this is good. I also know that a young lady caller of the beautiful persuasion is coming this weekend and that is fairly awesome.

Now sleep. I have the amazing 8am library shift tomorrow morning. Yeah for no one in the library and thus time to study.
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