Apr 24, 2006 04:48
I really don't know... But I have been staying up the last hour and a half thinking about one thing, really, running over the many possible scenarios... Like running through a chess game several moves in advance.
Thinking about every move your opponent can make, when in real life your opponend might do something completely different, so you calculate for that too... I have been thinking about doing something for a while, though I do not think that it is the right time to do something like that, at this time...
I have also been trying to work up the gumption to ask a simple question, knowing that it would be rejected.. trying to word the question in many different ways so that it might not be rejected, thinking/hoping for one of those random times when your opponent will just pull something off norm, and fall right into my hands.
Not sure if this is even something that is worth even contemplating about... But I hope this will help me sleep... getting this off my chest and into words through the ever quickening fingers of a near sleep trance-like state while typing... You would have no idea... I don't know how the hell I do this... But I do.
At any rate... I should keep trying to dall sleep...