I Dont Know

Mar 04, 2007 15:30

So I went to church for the first time ever last night with Laura. I am still in the stage of figuring out what religion I wish to belong to if any at all. I decided to give Catholicism a try. I can tell ya right now, that one is definitely ruled out. %90 percent of what was talked about was sin and how we dare not sin or we cant go to heaven. The other 10% is just "hip" music and fairytale stories. Granted some of the stories are pretty cool, I just don't buy into most of that stuff. In regards to the sin, I firmly believe people need to learn from their own mistakes and not be told from birth every single thing they can and cannot do. Don't tell me what I can and cannot do. The only problem is that many people have their own perception as to what is right and wrong. Oh, and the one huge problem I have with Catholicism is that Catholics are taught to walk in the path of the lord. I dont want to think of myself as part of a herd thats just following someone to get somewhere(heaven). I want to create my own path and do things that I myself believe are right and just. Ok, back to the sin for a second. I could see how the good example of Jesus' actions might possibly influence some men and women to live better lives, but it is inconceivable to me that anything done by one man nearly 2,000 years ago could have a direct effect on how we live in the 20th century. And I certainly couldn't see how Jesus' death no matter how noble or unselfish, could possibly make up for all the evil in the world. Well, I think I might take a look at Christians next. I will be sure to wear my red polo and tan khakis to blend in. Peace

Also, If I offend anyone in this entry, I dont give a shit. It's my opinion.

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