The NHL 36: Patrice Bergeron TV Screencap Picspam

Jan 06, 2012 22:53

Before the league put NHL 36: Patrice Bergeron on Youtube, I really wanted to take some photos of the beauty in it, so I aimed my camera at the TV and did it that way. I wish to share the fruits of my labor. Some of them are not perfect, angle- or context-wise, but you can still get the point of it through my effort. Plus there's commentary. YOU LIEK MAH COMMENTURRY. This post is public because I'm linking to it on tumblr. Enjoy!!

These first few photos I just forgot to try and crop out Obvious TV Border. They're from the intro to the game that followed and show the guys walking into the arena in New Jersey.

The way Tyler is looking at Brad...mmmmmmmhmmmmm.

HAHA YOUR FACE IS A PERFECT FACE, PATRICE. Look at his hat. I bet he's listening to some Kanye on the headphones.

"Hi, everyone, I'm flawless. My team and I are going to pwn you tonight."

I tried to get a photo of Tuukka but he would not stop moving and so the photo looks a bit bad.

LET'S START THE SHOW. This shows a lot of preview shots of things to come.

Oh god he looks so hot driving...

Beauts (I think that's Lucic, Marchand and Seidenberg in the background there)

Watching movies with Daniel Paille on the plane

Such a lovely face

He stretches before the game against Phoenix. Apparently he gave the cameras the slip to try and do this but they found him anyway. I'm glad they did. DAT BODY.

They put a camera in Patrice's stall. EXCUSE ME WHY IS THERE NO FOOTAGE OF HIM GETTING DRESSED? Like naked and stuff? *do the creep*

Meditating pregame

Waiting on the blue line during the national anthem with Brad Marchand, Tyler Seguin (next to each other OF COURSE), Dennis Seidenberg and Zdeno Chara

You need to stop it with your face. And that facial hair ugh Tyler seriously

OH GOD I LOVE YOU look at his lips though

His big-ass bag

Heading to Phoenix. I'VE BEEN THERE asakdajslfkalfkkasfjla I miss it so much sometimes

As he gets in his car, OMG I've been on that exact sidewalk. That's the small surface parking lot outside TD Garden where we stood after the game to try and get autographs.

During a "hey remember how October sucked lol" segment, the boyfriends look sad. COMFORT EACH OTHER.

Beautiful up-close interview shot


Unf can you drive me

His car's manual! He can teach me to drive manual. Also good god would you look at his HAND?

Talking with Paille about what to watch on the 5-hour flight

Patrice is like "oh yah I want to watch dat" in his adorable accent

A flawless human


The entire plane. On the right side, second row, wearing big headphones--Jack Edwards?? Looks like the press and folks sit up front and the players in the back.

Andrew Ference has on his glasses and is probably reading some super intense paper about the environment on his iPad. Meanwhile Milan Lucic is asleep.

Marshy needs to stop it with his face


Patrice's brother Guillaume texted him to say he heard Patrice was doing the show and was like "WHAT WILL THEY FILM YOU DOING LOL"

All smiles

Patrice gets sleeeepy

Awwwwww night night

Landing in Phoenix

In the locker room, Patrice can't find his bag.

The way he says this line is so adorable. He suspects someone is hiding his bag.

As he looks around, Tuukka and Tim hang out together in the right hand corner

Where is his bag?

Adam McQuaid checks out dat ass


I'd just like to point out that those legs of steel belong to Chara. DAYUM.

He found it! It had been unpacked for him by someone.

A disembodied voice says this line

Talking to Naoko Funayama

Bergy's sticks

He also laments not having any friends--folks want to stay off camera

He says "someone come sit with me!" Poor baby. I'll sit with you. On your lap.

The play two-touch, a kind of soccer game where you can bounce it twice to pass it to someone else but it cannot touch the floor. He's bonking it with his head in this shot.

Shit, the ball got stuck in the piping!

Notice how Brad and Tyler just STAND THERE while others go get ladders and stuff. My question: why not just hail Chara over and get him to poke it away with his seven-foot-long stick? (ooer)

Patrice wins!

Praccy on the Phoenix ice. Patrice constantly praises his teammates the whole time.


Brown-eyed boys

xoxo gossip boys

The hotel in Phoenix...swank

The stuff on the left is being said by Seguin and on the right by Bergeron in the elevator. Tyler you suckup, lol.

Room 637. Check out those BACK MUSCLES oh my god

Patrice goes to dinner with his teammates. He introduces them all to us and is adorable and handsome.

He introduces Marchand as a star of the week

Ference is on his phone

Seidenberg doesn't want to be on camera

stawp it

you stawp it too


Marshy is dumb and calls Patrice captain? Uh no sweetie

The child does not know the presence she is in

Patrice in his single room for the night watching games. He explains that the players are fans too and keep an eye on other teams.



Drink some water

Take off your pants (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Go to bed. Night night.

Good morning! Time to get some breakfast with Ference and Rask!

Ferry looks pretty even when eating.

Uh-oh, Bergy spots something interesting in the USA Today Tuukka is reading.

He's interested that all three countries are in the same pool for World Juniors and Tuukka says like one thing #momentoffame

Then Ferry, Tuuk and Bergy head off to the arena.

Patrice watches game film of the Coyotes.


Looking fine as hell

OKAY THIS SEGMENT. He insists he's not superstitious, then tells us he tapes his stick and blade EXACTLY THE SAME WAY, lines his water up next to him on his right side and has done so since he was 16, so for 10 years now. PATRICE YOU ARE SUPERSTITIOUS.

Patrice's superstition segment

Marshy tapes his stick too

Gregory Campbell appears for no reason except he's pretty

dat tongue

Game time!


The game itself moves so fast that it was like impossible to screencap it lol

PERFECT and I see a little bit of the cut on his lip area

tongue :9

They show him saying something on the bench but I CAN'T READ LIPS

more gossip boys


Bergy checking someone nbd


Listening to strategies

Tuukka making a glove save


Tapping sticks towards the end of regulation time and Tyler is just a goofy toweling goober

Speed demon

Pretty boys

Victory hug!

Goalie congratulations time

His hair gets all spiky after a game and it's so cute

Gangsta lean with the one pant leg up

Being sweet with Seidenberg

He is left handed :)

Here the show ends but my DVR recorded a little bit of the intro to the game, just a few seconds of pure focus on Patrice.

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