More's been a long time

Oct 17, 2005 01:15

Got it from trirose

You have a split personality. One day you'll be
sitting at home watching a movie, and the next
you're out at a strip club or hang gliding. You
would do well with a Gemini or a Virgo.
VIRGO is the most logical of the Earth Signs.
They are analytical, rational and everybody's
biggest critic. So don't be surprised to get
constant critiques from your Virgo. A Virgo
will pick anything apart to examine its pieces
in order to solve a problem. Virgos love to
argue but they don't see it as a confrontation
or attack. To a Virgo an argument is simply an
exchange of ideas. But don't try to persuade a
Virgo without grounding yourself in solid
reasoning. Likewise, instances of highly
charged emotions or irrationality will cause
your Virgo to lose their patience quickly.
Virgos require a lot of mental stimulation. And
the most exciting aphrodisiac to a Virgo is
engaging in an intellectual conversation,
especially if they're learning something new.
Motto: Stimulate the mind and the body will
GEMINI is the most adaptable of the Air Signs.
They are friendly, flexible, charming and
talkative. A Gemini can fit in with most any
crowd. Quick minds and quick to speak, a Gemini
can jump into any conversation with ease and
just as easily hop from one topic to another.
The sign of the Twins has the ability to see
opposing viewpoints, and therefore, are often
willing to compromise in an argument. However,
a Gemini can instantly change his or her mind
at the drop of a hat and often does. This may
make them appear fickle or two-faced. But it
just may drive you crazy trying to keep up with
their changing opinions. Keep in mind that your
Gemini is a natural born talker and can put a
spin on any story that benefits them. They can
also be easily distracted and need more variety
than all the other Air Signs. But they make fun
and stimulating partners, ideal travel
companions and stimulating conversationalists.
Spontaneous and up for any change in plans, a
Gemini loves to meet new people and see new
places. After all, the Twins are born to have
dual identities. Motto: Variety is the spice of

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