Fic - 7 Word Drabbles

Apr 05, 2007 20:51

Title: 7 Word Drabbles
Author: themadedevil
Fandom: Criminal Minds, Supernatural, House, Scrubs.
Disclaimer: Do not own anything. Not even Mr. Berenyi.
Author's Note: Nnngh. I may have misused a word here. *hides*
If you want a word drabble, go here

Prom (Criminal Minds) - unrequited_rain
"So this is what it's like."
"What is 'it'?"
"The prom."
"Reid, don't tell me you've never gone to a prom."
"I was 12 years old in a public high school, Morgan. I was hardly popular."
"Yeah, but still, surely you must have at least stopped by to see what it was like."
"I didn't see the point."
"Didn't see the point? Everyone goes to the prom!"
"Morgan, stop it. We're here to watch for the unsub."
"Yeah, but, Hotch --"
"Keep your eyes open, both of you."
"It's not that big of a deal that I didn't go, is it?"
"No, Reid, it's not."

Control (Criminal Minds) - siggen1
"Come on, you can do it."
"I can't. I need it, Aaron."
"You don't. I'm withholding your pay check if you think you need it."
"You can't do that!"
"I'm your boss, watch me."
"This isn't what you think it is, Aaron. It isn't addiction, it''s staying sane!"
"You can stay sane by having control, Reid. This is addiction. You're going to rehab. You'll be back on the job before you know it, just stop fighting it."
"You can't pull me away from work!"
"You're taking a sick-leave. I am expecting you back in a month."
"Aaron --"
"I'll see you in a month."

Catholicgirlsschool (Supernatural) - thinkofaname
"I know where we have to go. I had another vision."
"Jesus, I'm coming, Sammy. Calm down. What time is it?"
"2 am. Hurry, we don't have much time."
"Where is it?"
"Where are we going, Sammy?"
"Just hurry up!"
"Where. Are. We. Going?"
"Catholicgirlsschool. Up the road."
"Oh, well, that's just great. Like they're gonna let us poke around in an Catholic all-girls school in the middle of the night!"
"Let’s just go."

Stopwatch (House) - semirhage527
"House --"
"Can't you see I'm on the phone?"
"Yes, but --"
"Chase, I know that you have a girlfriend to get back to, but I'm ordering pizza so unless you have a stopwatch, just stop talking for a moment."
"What do you need a stopwatch for?"
"If they don't deliver after 30 minutes, it's free."
"It's an hour long drive with no traffic. It's now, currently, rush-hour. Free food is the best. Now, go get me a stopwatch."
"The nearest pizza place is like 5 minutes from here."
"Your point being?"

Invigorating (House) - labellacaracol
"Do I do something to you to make you all high? Is that why you're doing this, to get a some sort of kick out of it?"
"Yes, you are completely invigorating. Like a human morphine drip. What are you talking about?"
"I just got a call wanting to confirm our plans for tomorrow. I wasn't aware we had any."
"They were supposed to be a surprise."
"Why are we going, House?"
"Like you can resist going to things like that. You love poker."
"You hate having me along."
"I can always cancel, I'm sure Foreman is an excellent poker player."
"No, I'll go.'re not doing it for kicks?"
"Jimmy, you offend me. Bring liquor."

Quantum (Scrubs) - julius12
"Belinda, come."
"Dr Cox, I was actually busy --"
"Was I replaced by someone who gives a crap, if so, let me fix your apprehension on that."
"Right, now, tell me what's wrong with Mr. Berenyi and why you for some reason won't talk to the man, leaving him to dump all his crap on me."
"He just keeps going on and on about quantum mechanics."
"Be a doctor and suck it up."

Piano (Psych) - unrequited_rain (since I ruined her shirt)
"You have incredible fingers, Lassi!"
"What are you getting at, Spencer?"
"You should put them to use on something other than holding that gun of yours."
"Wha--? Spencer, if you mean what I think you mean, I'll personally make sure that no one will find you in one piece."
"Lassi! Your mind is darker than I thought!"
"I simply meant you should learn to play an instrument or something, I bet you'd be brilliant!"
"I do play an instrument."
"Ooh, what?"
"Not that it's really any of your business, but I play the piano."
"Oh, yes, I see it now. These are totally piano fingers."

ETA; edited to include another drabble.

tv:scrubs, writing:fic:drabbles, tv:supernatural, tv:psych, tv:criminal minds

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