Dec 06, 2016 14:05
Plusses and Minuses for my trip to the con.
1. Zenwolf- (Poofy) The best friend a fuzzy can have.
2. Wolfus - If we weren't friends, I wouldn't go to these anymore.
3. Ram Browns Sunday with LMAC- Good Times. Good Times.
4. Whoodamns- Gotta love this famous once a year beverage
5. Met fuzzies!- Glacier Paws, Steelwolfe, Shloppy and a few others I cain't memmer
6. Old Style- Fully Krausened, Once a Year
7. Cilantro- Not your father's Taco Bell
8. Courtyard's Bistro- Great Chicken Caesar salad taken back to competing hotel for late night munching
9. Doggy Radio Remote Live From MFF- Wifi sux, Show Fun
1. Aux Hotel- Also Airport Parking, Shuttle drops at Terminus, Walk rest of way BITCH
2. NO FREE PARKING! This is a given ever since the con moved to high priced USA
3. Bitching about PARKING! In a way, it's ruined MFF por vous
4. Traffic: Hey, we knew the con was dangerous when we drove there
5. "Who Are All These Fuzzies?" Growing fuzziness, diminishing contacts
6. Smart Phone Nation: It was easier when we all carried FRS radios, no phone, no mas
7. Lamenting- Yes, fun to be there, yes fun talking about old times, no, it's no longer the same
8. Starbucks with beer! Only weeknights 4-7.
Plus, I learned "WWBD" , "What Would Boomer Do?" When someone sees you writing and comes over to say hey and you turn into a TURD, remember that it's a furry con! Engage! Talk! Find out what the other guy does! Even promote yourself a bit! WWBD? Chatted it up, give em a card. What did the TURD do? He did whatever some teens did when they asked Mr. Turd what he was doing drawing at a mall food court. GET OFF MY LAWN! Remember at a furry con, we're all in this together.