my rant on my dream/career

Oct 12, 2007 01:36

wow time sure does fly fast. it seems only yesterday was beginning of term and i was being introduced to my fellow students and the workplace. i took my midterm today.only five weeks til i go home. i'm gonna miss internship truth be told. you think i wouldn't want to be here but honestly i'm having fun. As i always say i love being in the kitchen and it's true i'm having fun in the kitchen. tee-hee i have my war story scars now too most likely.(looks with interest at the day old burn on the back of her hand and wonders if this one will leave a pretty scarXD)you really feel like a team and a community/family in the kitchen. though i kind of wonder if it was actual work if i woulda been fired by now. don't take that last statement as me being humble. my skills aren't the best. i find i may be a bit too slow at prep sometimes.I always try my best though but i lack the confidence one needs in the kitchen to call themselves a true chef. We shall see how far i actually make it in my dream career field. oh yes being a chef, a true chef, is my career dream. it is not just a goal or a job or work. I LOVE cooking. It something i can do that benefits others and such as makes me not feel useless. I hate feeling useless. I missed a day last week of internship due to bad neck pain in my left side.....needless to say what i thought about the entire time was that i'd rather be in the kitchen panning rice than sitting in pain being utterly useless.i have community service next week and a four day weekend. what the hell am i going to do with a four day weekend in the middle of the school year? i have no kitchen to cook myself dinner:( and my community service hours aren't even as long as a shift.:( i'm gonna have a ton of time on my hands. i'd rather be at work than in class. i can learn so much more by actually being in the kitchen than being lectured on something. anywho i'm actually gonna miss ri a little bit now. but i still miss my fam more so going home will be ftw! i miss ya all.<3 *hugs*
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