Slambert Legacy 2.4

Aug 31, 2010 10:47

Last time, we had Albert age up into a hot teen, with Family/Knowledge aspiration, who liked to rip his sisters' arms off.  We got a kitten named Feyrbrand, whom everybody ignored, except Emile that one time.  Seles got fired, RUINING HER STREAK OF AWESOME, but Lavitz and Sunny are ever closer to their LTWs.  Albert fails with women, and there was a multitude of smustling.  Yeah.  I suck at summaries. :P

I'm not quite sure why I took this picture, but you'll hardly see either of the cats this update, so get a good look now.

Sunny: Hi, Paper Girl!  I know you don't get paid very well, so here's a hundred bucks! :D

Paper Girl: Thanks, Mrs. S! ++

Then they hung out and became besties.  For some reason I can't call NPCs on the phone, so I got their relationship as high as possible while Paper Girl was there.

I bought Albert and MP3 player, but he only plays his video game, and I wanted some rock-out spam.  AND I SEE YOU THERE, LISA, TRYING TO GET INTO THE SHOT.

Albert: :D

Me: :D!

Note the bus driver: This is important for later.

So I didn't want Seles to grow old before I got kittens out of her, so I had Sunny give her some Kibble of Life.  Hopefully it'll give her enough time to become friends with Feyrbrand so they can have a litter together before they BOTH get too old.

So Lavitz's mom and Sunny's mom both chipped in 50 bucks to give Albert some good report card money.  I ain't complaining.

Albert brought an ugly friend home from school agian.  Woe. D:

And apparently he also had an overpowering urge to smustle his ugly self in front of the house where all the neighbors will see. D:!

Lavitz didn't go, because I don't know why he thinks he's ~ace~ at poker when he's never played.  He'll end up losing the children or something.

Sadly, this promotion never actually came.  Poo. ):

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *holds out O for over 9000 seconds*

And look, an ugly old guy!  Remember how I said I would smite any more ugly and/or old people that walked by?

Well I did and it was fun. (:

*laughs maniacally*


Old man: wtf did you do that for!?

Me: :D

I don't think you're wearing enough pink, Sunny.

Emile: Uh, Lisa, isn't that the creepy guy who stalked you last update?

Lisa: Don't know don't care; too busy trying to memorize all the Presidents before tomorrow's test.

...Sunny's at work, and is not a toilet. *facepalm*

...I totally don't remember what I said. XD

Oh that's it. XD  Yeah, like we really need more people to clog up this tiny house. :P

However, since both the parents and Albert were at work, we had to hire the nanny.  Would've been amazing if she rolled up looking like this, but sadly, I made her over and made her ~goth~.  ...I was bored, leave me alone. ;-;

Sadly, they're both BFFs with Albert.  Usually twins only care about each other.


He did! :D  Also, this is where hilarity begins.  I turned on iTunes when I started cropping/resizing all my pics, and Reproduction from Grease 2 started playing.  I was gonna make a comment about how Albert brought home a ~girl~ friend, but I think the song made that for me. :P

I hate that hair.  Whoever made that hair at Maxis had to have known it'd give every girl that wore it a fivehead. -_-

The girls are hating on the ~goth~ nanny.  She's too ~dark~ for them.  (Oh and hi Seles! :D)


What's your problem, Fivehead?

Fivehead: I'm going to have competition for Albert's affection after these girls grow up.  And DON'T CALL ME FIVEHEAD!

Okay, first off, you're not going to have to compete against Albert's BABY SISTERS.  And also: no, now shut up and enjoy the birthday, Fivehead. :P

nvm, there isn't going to be any birthday because Emile decided that playing SSX 3 was more important than getting breasts.

Lavitz: ALWAYS last to arrive at any party.

You've been making that wish for like 30 minutes, HURRY UP AND BLOW THE CANDLES OUT.

Lisa gets to be first then (even though Emile's the older twin, fyi).  What EP gives you poodle skirts?  Freetime, maybe?

She's a fortune sim that like muscley blondes that don't wear protection.

Emile FINALLY decided to age up.  Nobody cared though, they were all bored at this point.

Emile wants to be popular and find a clothed guy that dyes his own hair.

I swear, I can't have a shot of one of them without the other in the shot too.


Lisa rolled her LTW before Emile.  It's a cool LTW, and I've never done it before.

Lisa after a makeover.  She's pretty, but Albert totally steals the shot by being all ":D!"

Emile, who is also very pretty.  The colors theme is what colors their character's wore in the game.  Emile wore pink (her tights and part of her shirt are pink) and Lisa wore orange.  You might also see her in yellow because I can't remember which color's the "right" color.

Smustle-with-a-creep tiem? D:

I was all "D'aww, Albert grew a pair! :D"

Here's where iTunes continued to baffle me.  When I cut this, I was thinking of having Fivehead (I seriously can't remember her real name) saying something like "I'm sorry but we're just too different", and then Different As Can Be from AVPM came on.  I LOL'D.  Then sat here for a minute and sang along all :D.

Their bus driver's either a stalker or a secret agent that's was hired to protect the Slamberts from evil.  I think I'll stick with secret agent.

I can see that this outing is probably over before it even began.

Emile just dropped to last place for heir.  And Party in the USA came on, which I thought was fitting, because it seems like a song they would play at a roller rink, and because Emile's all ~popular~ and wants to party and jazz. (: (DON'T ASK ME WHY I HAVE THAT ON MY ITUNES T_T)

She's not old, but that's not stopping me from laughing!

There must be bad guys trying to do in the future Slamberts at the roller rink, guys.

The acr controller, sim blender, and bat box are hidden so inconspicuously inside this square of hedges.  Since it was here, I rolled the girls' orientations.

Why does Albert get the in-lines? ):

Why people think Malcom Landgraab IV is good looking, I have no idea.  He looks like an ape in a suit to me.

Simultanious skating fail, go!

She's the only thing here that's not fug, so deal, Albert.  Also, it doesn't look like she's gonna give up so easy.

I think that playful sims will pick the game over the music, and more serious sims like the music better.  I could be wrong though.

I don't know whether to lol (at his wants) or wibble that he's getting old. ):

Albert's pain at being regected: A montage

I thought that maybe if I didn't have a reason to call her Fivehead she might thank me by making Albert feel good about himself.  Doubt it'll work though. :/

Between Lavitz and Albert, I feel like I have five women in this house instead of just three.


So my game decided to crash (right after I had saved, so that was great), and I decided that I would make a quick stop before I went back to the Slambert's.

I went to that house with the plantsim in Riverblossom Hills to see if my plantsim default replacement work.  It has, and I think it's beautiful.  Also, I didn't know Rose and Daisy had had dark skin, so that probably makes the vines show up even better.  It looks amazing. :D

Back at the ranch...

I rolled secondaries for the girls.  Obviously Emile plans to become popular by sleeping with all her friends.

Just don't start wanting babies 3 days till elder, k?

Not-So-Fivehead: What is this I don't even

I have no idea what her problem is, people, but Lavitz looks like he's about to swing his arm up and cuntpunch her. >:3

nvm, he decided to ~piroette~ for her. *facepalm*


So I gave the girls tattoos.  Emile gets a tramp stamp since she's going to go for frienifits relationship with the world.

Lisa gets pretty koi instead. :D

Albert: ):

Me: ):!

I love how you can see most of her tattoo under her shirt. :D

...can you even use that now?

Lavitz apparently thinks a dip in the ocean is a good substitute for a shower.

So he decides to comb for seashells instead of taking care of his HUNGER, BLADDER, AND HYGENE.  Also, NOTE THE BABY WANT.  HE'S 2 DAYS FROM ELDER.  THERE'S A FEAR TOO BUT STILL.

*wolf whistles*

Also, some song about sex came on on iTunes.  I skipped it after Sunny drove off because it didn't seem to fit anymore. :P

Truth is always better than a lie, even if you're ashamed by it.

See, it gives you friends! :D

Since today was a weekend, and Albert is really close to graduating high school, today was study day for the teens.  For some reason, Emile leared faster than Lisa even though they were using the same thing to skill at the same time and both of them had nearly identical moods.  Emile got to 8 first, so she got to make turkey for the family. :D

Moral of the story: If you have BV, your game will give you random non-asians with asian last names.  Good to know, right? :D

You know he's just checking her out.  KEEP WALKING, UGLY, JUST KEEP WALKING.

Spam.  I also tried to show you very much that she's got the freckled skintone I have, in case you haven't noticed yet. :D

Scholarships for Albert~

Those weren't unexpected, were they?

So not only can teens bring adults home from work, adults can bring home teens too, apparently.

I must explain.  I asked Albert if he thought Meadow was hot (and he did), but then Sunny walked by and he was all "HI MOM! :D" so now it looks like he's heartfarting his mom. D:

I gave her crazy hair and crazy makeup to go with that crazy face. :D

And I end this with Sunny, being all :D~ballerina~:D


Sorry this took so long to post! Between school and work and the fact I don't have internet at home (yet!) it's about impossible to get these updates up in a timely fashion. -_-'

I also usually forget to add the little things like tags and the cut and stuff like that. XD

slambert legacy

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