Permissions/Stats Meme

Nov 05, 2008 19:30

AWESOME I FINISHED IT :D This may change a little bit over the next couple days as I get used to her voice, but nothing big.

Name: Rachel Berenson (that last name is a HUGE SECRET, though)
Age: 16-ish.
Weight: ...healthy? I have no clue, really.
Medical Info: Very healthy, as she does gymnastics and runs from various aliens who want to kill her on a regular basis
Physical traits/Appearance: IS IT REAL, OR IS IT MAYBELLINE? Rachel is allll stereotypical supermodel: blonde hair halfway down her back, blue eyes, nice figure etc. etc.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything really! She'll freak out if you mention things like morphing or Yeerks or THE WAR or whatever, because that's supposed to be a secret, but anything else is fine. She may not believe what you say, though.

Abilities: Rachel, like the rest of her teammates, has the ability to morph into any creature she touches. HOWEVER there is that lovely two hour limit! If she stays in a form other than her own for more than two hours, she's stuck in that form for the rest of her life. Also, morphing is somewhat tiring, especially if a lot of it is done in a short amount of time. Morphing will heal any injuries she gets in or out of morph, as it's all DNA based, and she can also use telepathy while in morph as an added bonus.

Notes for the Psychics: Not psychic or anything herself (other than morph-induced telepathy), but for those who see souls or hearts or whatever? Rachel has a definite dark side. I have no doubt that if pushed hard enough, the girl would pull an Anakin and turn into Darth Rachel. : (

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?:  GO RIGHT AHEAD just poke me first |D I'm pretty much always in the IRC chan~

Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: YES, especially if you are Tobias or Marco (although really she'll only barely put up with Marco)! Anyone else above the age of like 10 will get mauled verbally and/or physically depending on what sort of mood she's in. Little kids will completely top her, however (unless she is in the WORST MOOD EVER. Then she may be a little gruff)

Maim/Murder/Death:  I DIED ONCE, I HAVE NO INTEREST IN DOING IT AGAIN, K GUYS? Ignore the fact that I have a "dead" icon uploaded salkfjskldjf.

Cooking: ...she can make scrambled eggs? Mostly she goes for take out chinese food. Mmmmm, szechuan shrimp | )
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