Title: Something (Part 3 of the Sacrifice Arc)
Author: Beren
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Sterek, Scott/Allison/Isaac hints
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Jeff Davis et al. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Warnings: spoilers for s3
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Comments 7
BTW Stilinski Kitchen on in Season One - Co-Captain. It's the scene where Stiles get Sheriff drunk so he can get info. Starts off with Stiles getting milk in the kitchen.
Oh, thanks, I thought I must have seen it somewhere, but could not for the life of me remember and I thought I might be muddling it up with the Argent's one. Google was most unhelpful when I typed it in, gave me the Stilinski study, but not the kitchen.
Stiles is The Lorax! *SMILES* The Guardian of the trees... because the shrubbery was getting frisky with him here.
*sighs* Yes, having your dad be of the police would tend to crimp your making out with someone adult when you're still categorized pre-adult. It seems so right though Derek as sexual mentor *grins* And poor Derek. There can't be any mutual or singular in the same room wank sessions either, at least for Derek now if Stiles wants to while Derek's there but the logistics are dicy. There would be dug in claw marks in the walls.
I enjoyed this. Thank you.
They do keep giving us Sterek hints, but of course they're giving us everything else hints too, so they might just be feeding us :).
LOL the Lorax - I really don't think he could pull off orange ::g::. The moustache, yes, but not the orange ;)
Mystical bonds trump human law ... surely, even if your dad is the Sheriff ;). I can just imagine that conversation!
Thanks so much for commenting.
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