New Novella: Forbidden Soul (Soul Reader #2) by Tasha D-Drake

Jan 23, 2012 13:40

Originally posted by beren_writes at New Novella: Forbidden Soul (Soul Reader #2) by Tasha D-Drake
My new gay romance, vampire novella Forbidden Soul (Soul Reader #2) is out today and available from Amazon and Smashwords. It should be up on Apple, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Sony soon, once it has been approved for the premium catalogue on Smashwords.

Title:Forbidden Soul (Soul Reader #2)
Author(s):Tasha D-Drake

Date Pub: 22nd January 2012
Length: novella (~22.5K wds)
Genre: Paranormal, Adult, Vampire, Male/Male, Romance
Buying Options:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon DE
Amazon FR
ePub, PDF, mobi(Kindle), rtf, ltf(Sony), Palm Doc, Plain txt
ISBN 978-1-908333-25-4, ISBN 978-1-908333-26-1


Sequel to Forgotten Soul (Soul Reader #1 [FREE]).

John's life used to be on the risky side, but it had been simple. Allowing vampires to suck his blood had never been safe, but now there is Michael and having a vampire who actually cares about him is complicated. It's even more complicated because Michael is urging him to reconnect with the family he hasn't seen in over five years. The fact his recent past also doesn't want to die quietly is making his life less than easy and it's about to become deadly.

You do not need an eReader to view this publication; there are Kindle aps available for most devices as well as formats for other eReaders, devices and PC.

It was about three quarters of an hour after John had gone out for his walk that Michael began to feel worried. He had no reason to, but the book he was reading could no longer hold his attention and he kept looking out the window to see if John was coming back. About another hour after that he was pacing the living room and he stalked to the front window, grabbing the nets and moving them to look out. The damn sun was high in the sky with not a cloud in sight, but he had no choice.

"Do you have a hooded jacket I can borrow?" he asked, walking into the kitchen where Ivy was making lunch.

"You're not thinking of going out there are you, Love?" Ivy asked, looking out the window. "That sun is strong today even though it's still a little chilly out."

"John isn't back," he said, since that was his only reasoning. "He promised he wouldn't be long."

"Oh, I'm sure he just became distracted," Ivy said with a small smile; "that boy could lose himself for hours just staring at leaves on the tree when he was small."

Michael didn't really want to frighten John's family, but there was a lot they had not explained about John's situation.

"The people who took him," he said, trying to choose his words carefully; "they weren't pleased to lose him and if the vampire community up here realised what he is ..."

"You mean ..?"

"I could be overreacting," he added hastily, although his instincts were whispering completely the contrary, "but I need to go and find him."

Ivy wiped her hands on a tea towel and then took his hand, leading him to the hall cupboard. Without a word she pulled out a hoodie from its depths and handed it to him.

"Bring him home safe," was all Ivy said as he pulled it on and he nodded. ...

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Forbidden Soul (Soul Reader #2) by Tasha D-Drake
Released 23rd January 2012
Novella ~22.5Kwds
John's life used to be on the risky side, but it had been simple. Allowing vampires to suck his blood had never been safe, but now there is Michael and having a vampire who actually cares about him is complicated. It's even more complicated because Michael is urging him to reconnect with the family he hasn't seen in over five years. The fact his recent past also doesn't want to die quietly is making his life less than easy and it's about to become deadly

Click to see full listing and buying options for Forbidden Soul (links to Wittegen Press site)

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info: fic stuff, info: wittegen press, info: ebooks, genre: vampires, info: fic writing, type: fiction, info: book writing, info: forgotten soul, info: publishing

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