Fan mail and stuff

Oct 27, 2010 14:54

I can count the number of fan mail letters I have sent on one hand, but I sent another one this morning, to Mark Gatiss. I would have sent him an email, but I couldn't find an addie, so I actually posted an honest to god letter ::g::. I felt the need after watching the last of his "A History of Horror" series on BBC4. It was brilliant.

It's available on iPlayer for those who are in the UK.

I didn't agree with all his favs and he only got to the 60s and 70s and didn't do my fav era of 80s and 90s, but it was still superb. So many little titbits of info and some wonderful interviews with stars and directors. The first program was about the horror films from the big US studios in the 30s and 40s, then the second was about the rise of the UK horror industry with Hammer and such studios and then back to the US for the late 60s and 70s in the third ep.

I may actually have to watch Halloween thanks to this program.

It would be brilliant if he did a second season with 80s and 90s and some Asian horror in it.

He lists some of my fav 80s movies in his Q&A about horror on the BBC site. I would love to see him talk about them in depth.

I also congratulated him on the brilliance that is Sherlock, because, y'know, it is the best thing to hit TV in years and his Mycroft is just wonderful.

Did you know he also wrote and stared in a supernatural mini-series called Crooked House? I just ordered it from Amazon.

P.S. Shameless self-pimp, in case you missed it, the anthology my short story is in was published today. I have a post about it here.

fandom: mark gatiss, fandom: sherlock

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