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Title: MMOM 07 - Hallucinations can be Fun
Author: Beren
Fandom: Tokio Hotel RPS
Pairing: Georg/Tom, Andreas/Bill
Rating: NC17/18
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, the real people in it are used without their permission and I definitely don't own them or have any copyright to any part of any of them. I do not believe
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And you have to know that if you don't write that, I will come to England and stand over you with a baseball bat and make you write it.
God, I'm so happy that you continued this. I love Georg's reactions here. They all seemed so very Georg. And damn, SO HOT. But so sad at the same time.
I however am prepared to bribe you, so what'll it be? *wink*
well how about I threaten you too so that we have some kindof balance here, and I'm already in England, so be afraid, be very afraid.
I do have a sequel in mind, but it will not be the next one I write I don't think ... I may leave it for a bit later in the month, or depending on how it plays out in my head, after that if it doesn't fit with MMOM. I couldn't leave you hanging like that :).
Thank you so much for your lovely comments; Georg is my foil in this one and it's kind of fun to play everything from his point of view when the angst is on others not him.
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