Nov 04, 2022 12:00
- Thu, 12:55: RT @ sarahquaint: Great thread, applicable to so many companies, relationships, etc
- Thu, 14:58: Not going anywhere as yet, but have set up a backup over here:
- Thu, 20:05: RT @ SoVeryBritish: Things Brits say when they’re absolutely livid: “What do you think you’re doing?” “What’s going on in here?” “With all…
- Fri, 09:44: Hello @ duolingo - my lessons have just become significantly less challenging. When having to choose words to form a sentence, half the time now, it only offers me the correct words, not the selection it used to. (sometimes only one word) Is this a bug? I'm on the old format still
- Fri, 10:35: RT @ BestForBritain: 💥RT if you still want a General Election #GeneralElectionNow💥