Mon, 12:28: RT @ mbrauchli: The register we need to keep is of companies and CEOs who oppose Trump's executive orders - or don't. Useful consumer guide.…
Mon, 12:54: RT @ 50ShadesMay: "Oh my God!" cried Theresa as Donald's tiny fingers flicked faster and faster, "Could you stop tweeting for one minute?"
Mon, 15:28: RT @ GeorgeTakei: Apparently Sec'y of Homeland Security John Kelly found out about Trump's Exec Order on Muslim Immigrants and Refugees whil…
Mon, 15:35: RT @ balkeesjarrah: The @ lawfareblog obtains dissent memo drafted by foreign service officers & other diplomats opposing Trump ban. https://…
Mon, 15:44: RT @ digitalspy: An artist has transformed that Beauty & the Beast doll into Emma Watson after Belle looked more like Justin Bieber: https:…
Mon, 15:46: RT @ alex_segura: To clarify: Alt-right = Nazi Extreme vetting = #MuslimBan President Trump = President Bannon Y'know. In case there was any…
Mon, 16:01: Enter to win 45+ Sports romances from award-winning and bestselling authors, plus a brand new Kindle Fire!
Mon, 17:03: RT @ BenjaminRamm: #MuslimBan is not just a ban on Muslims. My Jewish mother, born in Iran but UK citizen, now banned from entering US. http…
Mon, 17:17: RT @ jk_rowling: "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." -- Winston Churchill