Georg FQF 2010
Title: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Author: beren_writes
Fandom: Tokio Hotel RPS
Pairing: Bill/Georg
Rating: R for violence and language
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, the real people in it are used without their permission and I definitely don't own them or have any copyright to any part of any of them. I do not believe any of this happened, is likely to happen or should happen it is simply a story created around known facts about those involved.
Warnings: character death, suicide (I'm warning because these could be triggers, but if you read the prompt you will see why I can add 'not really')
Summary: A gun in the hand of a crazy girl destroys everything when she targets Tom. If given the chance anyone sane would try and stop that and Georg finds he is the one with that chance.
Author's Notes: Well I never thought I'd write a fic where I had to warn for character death, but please don't be put off. I may have skewed the prompt a little, but I believe it is in the same spirit. Thanks to my beta and thanks for reading.
Word count: 6,085
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Prompt: There's been an accident and Georg ends up watching Tom die, right before his eyes. The more time passes, the more he wonders if there was something he could have done. Bill doesn't forgive him for letting Tom die, has completely shunned Georg from his life, and Georg can't even forgive himself. He wakes one morning to find that that day hasn't happened yet, that Tom is still alive and he and Bill are still on speaking terms. When given a second chance, will Georg be able to change the events of that day or is it already predestined? submitted by ophelia_seven