Fic: Beauty and Talent 02/02, RPS, Bill (Tokio Hotel)/Gackt, NC17/18

Feb 21, 2007 20:24

Title: Beauty and Talent 02/02
Author: Beren
Fandom: Tokio Hotel/Jrock RPS
Pairing: Bill/Gackt
Rating: NC17/18
Link: To Part 1
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"Bill, where have you been?" Tom's voice greeted him as he all but flew through the door of the big suite the band was sharing.

"Out," he replied, having no time to answer questions as he began stripping off his old clothes and dragging new ones out of his suitcase.

His hair was a complete mess since he had slept on it while it was still slightly damp and he knew it was going to take him ages to sort it out so he needed to find clothes quickly.

"Oh my god, you've finally done it," he stood up and turned, half undressed as he heard Tom's comment.

His brother was leaning on the door post looking amazed, but also amused.

"And to think I was worried about you," Tom said, eyes looking at his back. "Have sharp nails did she?"

Bill did his best to look at his own back, but of course failed. He moved to the mirror and twisted so he could see properly and there were some lovely scratches on his back.

"Shit," was his reaction; he didn't even remember when that had happened.

"She must have been something special," Tom commented as Bill decided that there was nothing he could do about the scratches now and just grabbed a t-shirt and threw it on.

There really wasn't time for this conversation now, but Bill knew Tom wouldn't stop until his brother had the details. They really did tell each other everything and he had no intention of lying to his twin.

"He," he corrected, stripping out of his trousers and throwing them on the bed.

For a moment there was complete silence and if he hadn't been so busy he might have had time to worry. As it was, he did his best to concentrate of finding all the bits he needed from his case. When he finally had the guts to look at his brother, Tom appeared rather stunned.

"You lost your virginity to a guy?" Tom asked as if making sure he had heard right.

Bill nodded; it had been a surprise to him too. He just prayed Tom wouldn't freak, because no matter what the press liked to say about him, Bill had never experimented with the same sex and he really didn’t want it to upset his brother.

"Then I guess he must have been very, very special," Tom finally said as they looked at each other.

Bill couldn't quite hide the smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth as he realised Tom wasn't going to lose it.

"Hell yes," he said, feeling just a bit better since Tom seemed to be accepting the whole thing okay.

Tom grinned at him and shook his head.

"You've got ten minutes and you really do have just had sex hair today so you better do something about it;" Tom said, turning to go. "When we get back later you're telling me everything."


It had been a very full day; they had had one radio interview and lots of snippet interviews for various music shows. Bill never had managed to get breakfast and it was one of those days where things did not go to plan thanks to traffic and they were surviving on sweets, because there was no time for anything else. By the time they reached their last appointment, a recording for a chat show with a live audience, he was feeling a little light headed. They were performing first and then doing the whole chat thing, so he just concentrated on the English lyrics running through his head.

"You okay?" Tom asked quietly as they waited for their cue.

"Just need food," he reassured his twin with a nod; "missed breakfast."

"You’re white as a sheet even with the makeup," Tom said, looking slightly worried; "you should have eaten something in the green room."

"Can't eat before I sing," Bill replied, smiling and hoping to settle his brother's fears. "Once we're done I'll grab something."

Tom did not look too happy, but accepted the compromise with a nod.

A member of the crew came by to tell them that they were on next and Bill put his hunger out of his mind and concentrated on remembering his words. The moment they were announced there was screaming and he felt the beginnings of a strange euphoria as the lights came up and Gustav counted them in. As the music started, it was like electricity running through him and he started singing even as part of his mind marvelled at the feeling running around his body.

It was always a rush to step out in front of fans and sing, but the moment he opened his mouth it was like opening a conduit. He could feel the energy running through the audience and it was the most amazing thing. Before the first line was over he was on such a high that he wasn't sure he would ever come down and he threw himself into the song with everything he had. He bounced around the small stage area feeding off the energy he could feel and giving everything back he could. It was wonderful, it was mind blowing and the song was over far too soon.

He grinned at Tom as they finished and Tom looked at him oddly, but he was on too much of a high to care. They made their way over to the couch where the host of the show waited for them and all piled onto it quickly. Doing an interview in English was difficult and there was a translator there for the more difficult bits, but Bill was looking forward to the whole thing. They had been practicing their language skills for months and he was pretty sure he wouldn't make an idiot of himself.

It was only after he sat down that he began to feel a little odd. The euphoria of the performance was wearing off as the interviewer did a little introduction bit about them and Bill found the light-headedness coming back. The only problem was that now that he had expended so much energy it was worse and he blinked as his vision decided to go strangely bright. The interviewer's voice seemed to be really far away and his body felt very heavy. Everything was surreal around him and even as he realised he was sliding sideways there was nothing he could do about it.

"Bill," he heard Tom calling his name, but it was so distant that he could barely hear it.

The whole set had vanished in bright silvers and whites and then was starting to go dark at the edges. It was with a little shock he realised he was passing out just before everything went black.


"Bill," his brother's familiar voice called to him through the fog in his head and he followed it back towards reality.

His brain really didn't seem to want to turn back on, but he fought for consciousness since Tom sounded really worried and he didn't like his brother being upset. It wasn't until he actually managed to open his eyes that he realised that he was what Tom was worried about. He was no longer where he remembered being and he blinked a couple of times before he figured out he was in the green room and there were several people gathered around him.

"Hello," the person closest to him said, "welcome back, how are you feeling?"

The fact that the person was a stranger and wearing a paramedic uniform gave Bill a clue that he had been out a while. It took him a minute to process the English since he was rather dopey, but it wasn't exactly complicated so he managed it.

"Hungry," he said since it was the first thing that came into his head and he was starving.

That earned him a smile from the paramedic and the man looked away to the adults in the room.

"He should be fine," the man said; "just make sure he eats and doesn't do anything too strenuous for a few hours."

Bill wasn't too worried by the adults, it was Tom who had all of his attention; his brother was all but glaring at him.

"Idiot," was Tom's firm opinion of him and then he found himself wrapped in a tight hug. "Don't you dare frighten me like that ever again."

"Sorry," Bill mumbled into his brother's shoulder; he felt like a right twit.

When Tom pulled back, he found a sandwich being shoved under his nose and he looked up to see Georg holding out the food.

"Eat it," Tom said in a tone that begged no argument.

Bill didn't even consider not doing as he was told and he couldn't help wondering if there was a MacDonald's or Pizza Hut within easy distance.


Fed to bursting and feeling much better, Bill let Tom mother hen him as they returned to their suite in the hotel. Everything had been smoothed over with the TV company and since the show was probably going to get more ratings from the report of Bill fainting on it than Tokio Hotel just appearing, no one seemed too upset with him. Well except Tom who hadn't taken his eyes off him since the incident.

He wouldn't be forgetting to eat breakfast in a hurry that was for sure. It wasn't like he hadn't done it before, but after the previous night his body must have just decided to rebel. He flopped into the first chair available once they were in their rooms and hoped that Tom was not about to give him a proper telling off. Those could be loud and the headache from the morning was back even though he had had food.

Funny thing was he knew he couldn't eat another thing, but he was still craving something he couldn't quite put his finger on. Maybe he needed neat sugar.

"Feeling okay?" Tom asked and Bill had to conclude that he must have really frightened his twin by passing out on him in the literal as well as the figurative sense.

"I'm fine," Bill promised with a sheepish smile; "I just didn't have enough food today."

"You don't usually pass out," Tom pointed out, which was true.

"We don't usually have seven meetings and then a live performance," Bill countered.

"And he did give one of the most amazing performances I've ever seen," Gustav commented as he wandered through the room.

Tom did not look completely convinced.

"And I didn't get much sleep last night," Bill added and his smile turned into rather a smug grin.

He was a teenage male; he couldn't help it. Tom threw himself on the sofa and chucked a cushion at him for the grin.

"You still haven't told me about this mystery man; spill," Tom said, seeming to settle down at least a little.

"Did you say, 'man'?" Georg asked as the bassist walked in and sat down next to Tom.

There were very few secrets among the band, since they lived in each other's pockets a lot of the time, but Bill hugged the cushion Tom had thrown at him to his chest as he became the centre of attention. He hadn't exactly thought through the whole coming out thing.

"Um, yeah, he did," he said, feeling rather awkward.

"You were with a guy all night?" Georg seemed to be making sure he had it right. "What were you doing?"

Tom burst into laughter then and Bill found himself blushing furiously. Where Tom had picked up on all the signs, it seemed Georg had decided to assume a more innocent explanation.

"You didn't," his friend said, open mouthed, "shit, you did. A man who can get into Mr One-True-Love's pants; him I want to hear about."

Bill decided that actually hiding behind the cushion might be too unmanly in the current situation, but disappearing into the chair's lining seemed like a good idea. Somehow telling Tom things was much easier than telling anyone else, but the cat was very much out of the bag now.

"Well?" Tom pushed as Bill sat there feeling embarrassed. "What's he like? How did you meet him? Was he at the party last night?"

Bill was very glad he could rely on his brother to drag him out of a hole when he didn't know what to say. He glanced nervously around, but no one seemed about to chew him out for the whole sleeping with a man thing. In fact the others just looked interested; Tom was sitting casually on the couch, but was definitely paying attention, Georg was sitting forward waiting expectantly and Gustav was standing in one of the bedroom doorways clearly focused on him.

"No he wasn't at the party," he said, feeling very self conscious, but knowing he couldn't escape. "I went to that balcony we found to get some air and he'd had the same idea."

"Ooh, so he's an important guest of the hotel then," Tom deduced.

"He's Japanese and he's a singer and he's here arranging a concert," Bill said quickly, not wanting to leave any gaps for teasing.

"Trust you to go for an exotic man," Tom managed to tease him anyway.

"Does this mystery man have a name or didn't you bother to ask?" Georg asked with a grin.

"Gackt," Bill said in a hope that he would not die of embarrassment.

Georg and Tom looked at each other in a worrying way.

"Google," they both decided at the same time and Tom dived for the laptop hiding under the table.

Bill just sank into his seat and decided that hiding behind the cushion was now allowed. He had no idea what his brother would dig up on the internet; the stuff about them was scary enough and Gackt had been around a lot longer.

"Wow," that wasn't quite the reaction Bill had been expecting when his companions started Googling and he moved the cushion so he could see them with one eye.

Gustav had moved from his hovering position and was looking over the other two's shoulders.

"This guy is huge," was Georg's opinion and Tom still seemed to be reading, "and you could mistake him for a girl."

"A very pretty girl," Gustav added.

"Like our Bill," Georg said with a grin.

Bill would have responded to that, possibly with violence, but Tom spoke first.

"He claims to be a vampire who's over 400 years old," his twin said, clearly reading off the screen. "Bill, are you sure this guy's not nuts?"

"He what?" Bill sat up rapidly at what Tom was saying.

He had all but dismissed what he remembered as dreams mixed with what had actually happened, but they suddenly seemed to be very real in his head.

"Claims to be a vampire," Tom repeated.

"Now we know why he likes him," Georg said, clearly not sensing the tension that was now in the room.

Bill stood up as his mind whirled; it had to just be a publicity thing. No one who was a vampire would tell the world, surely? Of course it would be the perfect cover; who would suspect that a musician who claimed to be a vampire actually was.

"Bill, what's wrong?" Tom asked, picking up on his anxiety straight away.

"Um, I've gotta go," he said quickly trying to decide what to do; he had to talk to Gackt.

He went to leave, but Tom was faster than he was in his dazed state.

"You're not going anywhere," Tom said firmly, planting himself between Bill and the door.

"I have to go and talk to him," Bill tried to explain, but Tom was looking stubborn.

"Why?" his twin said in a way that suggested no answer was going to be good enough.

The things going through his head were not anything he wanted to share with Georg or Gustav, but he knew he wasn't going anywhere unless he told Tom something. Grabbing his twin's arm, he dragged him into his bedroom and shut the door.

"Because he bit me," Bill said, trying not to panic, "and I thought it was a dream and not real, but when you said that it all seemed to come into focus. He really bit me and I think there was more, but I can't really remember it. Tom I've felt weird all day; I have to talk to him."

Tom didn't look convinced, so he gave his twin his best pleading stare.

"I'm coming with you," was the ultimatum.

Part of Bill wanted to protest and part of him was very glad, but neither really had the upper hand, so he just nodded.

"Okay," he said.


The door opened after Bill knocked on it and Gackt smiled at him before walking backwards and leaving the door open.

"Do come in," the Japanese man invited, "and yes, you are both welcome."

Bill looked at Tom and his brother just shrugged. Trying to figure out what he was going to say, Bill stepped into the room with Tom only a pace behind him.

"Would either of you care for something to drink or a snack perhaps? The hotel keep insisting on leaving chocolates in the suite and I don't eat them myself," Gackt said with a smile, as if there was nothing wrong in the slightest.

As before, Gackt's German was word perfect, but heavily accented.

Bill stopped in the middle of the room, really not sure how to go about this. How did you go about asking a person if they were a vampire like they claimed to be?

"You bit me," he eventually blurted out, since that was all he could think of.

His accusation didn't seem to faze Gackt in the slightest, in fact the other singer smiled.

"I did," was the rather shocking response that derailed Bill's train of thought yet again.

If there was one thing he had expected it was not for Gackt to just admit the whole thing. Tom was like a pillar of strength behind him, but it was clear his brother didn't know what to say either.

"And ... and there was other stuff," Bill managed to say in a most ineloquent manner, "I thought it was a dream."

"Not a dream," Gackt replied, sitting down with a grace that Bill envied.

Now Tom moved, stepping past him, clearly angry.

"What did you do to my brother?" his twin demanded loudly.

Gackt didn't seem bothered by this reaction either.

"I made him like me," the other singer said without the slightest trace of remorse; "beauty and talent such as his should never be abandoned to the rigours of time. He'll keep aging until he reaches his perfect time of life, but then he'll stop."

Bill didn't know what to do as shock settled over him.

"You're a fucking vampire," Tom all but yelled, "what right did you have to do the same to my brother?"

Gackt took that in his stride in the same way he had everything else and Bill just did his best to remember how to breathe properly. This was so nuts.

"It is a gift," Gackt said, perfectly calmly and, as far as Bill could tell, completely sincerely, "and I give it very carefully."

Tom was about to explode and Bill put his hand on his brother's shoulder before Tom could do something he might regret. He remembered being asked now and he might not have been completely in his right mind, but he had agreed. He also remembered what Gackt had said to him before biting him the last time.

"How many others?" he asked, needing something else to concentrate on other than his own predicament.

"You're the fifth," Gackt told him, sipping something out of a small cup, "but I have no doubt you will eventually offer the same to your brother, so you probably count as the fifth and sixth."

Bill looked at Tom, his thoughts flying all over the place; he didn't know what to think or what to do. He was a vampire, an honest to god vampire.

"It changes very little about your day to day life," Gackt continued before Bill could put any coherent ideas together. "You may wish to wear dark glasses more often when in brightly lit surroundings and you will need a small amount of blood every few days, but that will be all you have to do unless you want more."

Tom flew at Gackt, completely furious and Bill could barely follow what happened next. Gackt stood up so fast that the vampire was almost a blur and Gackt had Tom turned around and in a neck hold in under a second. When the other singer looked at him, Bill could see an eerie glow coming from behind Gackt's blue lenses and for a moment he was afraid. Up until that point he hadn't known what to think, but he hadn't been afraid and now he was, mostly for Tom.

"You are very young," Gackt said holding a struggling Tom with seemingly no effort, "but one day you will be grateful for the gift."

With a gentle shove, Gackt pushed Tom back towards him and Bill caught his brother as Tom stumbled. Gackt didn't seem to be remotely bothered by the attack at all, but if there was one thing Bill didn't like it was someone going after Tom. Without really thinking what he was doing, he stepped in front of his twin and literally snarled. The whole room seemed to go up several levels in light and, of all things, his gums ached.

"Absolutely exquisite," was Gackt's response, taking all the fight out of him as he failed to comprehend again what was going on.

It didn't help that, for the second time that day, Bill found himself feeling light-headed and, before he knew what was happening, his legs were buckling under him. He found himself being caught by two different sets of arms. At least this time he didn't pass out completely as he let himself be sat down on a chair.

"That's two today," Tom said accusingly, but, when he looked up and blinked, Bill realised it wasn't him who was being accused; "what the hell is wrong with my brother."

"He has yet to adjust properly," Gackt said in what was becoming a rather annoying tone, "and he will need to feed adequately until he has. He shouldn't have been able to manifest any powers yet; he is very protective of you."

"I am here," Bill pointed out shortly, annoyed at himself for nearly fainting again more than anything out.

"You would be most difficult to ignore," Gackt replied and Bill had to sit on the urge to hit the other vampire.

He wasn't sure if he was feeling more betrayed because he'd lost his virginity under false pretences, sort of, or that he'd been turned into a vampire. It was all so completely confusing.

"You need to feed," Gackt decided, standing back up and moving away, which seemed to please Tom.

A little part of Bill was rather disappointed and he wanted to smack himself as he realised he was still attracted to Gackt. Even though the singer had been revealed to be a vampire and had in fact turned him into a vampire, he still wanted to do things he really didn't want to think about now.

"Please tell me that you don't mean what I think you mean," he said, just wanting the whole day to be over.

"It means drinking blood," Gackt said, turning and walking away, "I will get you some."

Bill looked at Tom and he realised he was shaking. At least Tom wasn't looking at him like he was a monster.

"How do you do it?" Tom asked quietly. "You couldn't have been attracted to a groupie or someone from home; it had to be a Japanese vampire."

There was the sound of mechanical humming from a small alcove off the main room and a ding and then Gackt reappeared carrying a mug.

"A pompous, arrogant, Japanese vampire," Tom added and, from the way Gackt's eyebrow rose, it was clear the comment had been heard.

It did not seem to really bother Gackt at all, or at least Bill couldn't see any change in behaviour. When he was handed the mug he took it, but then he just looked at it. The smell was tantalising, but as he peered into the cup his eyes did not agree with his watering mouth.

"Drink it while it's warm," Gackt said, but Bill just kept staring.

"It's blood," he said rather stupidly, even in his own opinion.

"Drink it," Gackt and, surprisingly, Tom said at the same time.

He looked at his twin in shock.

"You think I'm carrying you back to our room you can think again," Tom said when he just gaped at his twin. "I saw the fangs, Bill; this is real, so suck it up and drink it. At least you don't have to bite someone."

Bill looked back at the mug, then at Gackt and then at Tom again; he didn't exactly have much choice. Reluctantly he lifted the mug to his lips and tipped it up. The moment the blood touched his tongue everything changed; he thought he had gone to heaven and then some. He tipped the mug up even further and let the wonderful liquid flow down his throat as quickly as possible; he would have licked out the inside of the cup if his tongue had been long enough.

"If you're going to have an orgasm right here I'll wait for you outside," Tom said and brought him back down to earth with a bump.

He realised he had been making some odd little noises and his face was burning as he put the mug down on the coffee table. It heated up even more at the difficulty he had in letting it go. The rush was still running through him and he wanted more; it was incredibly powerful. The fact the Tom was there grounding him made him very thankful. If Tom hadn't been there, he wasn't sure what he would have done; jumping Gackt was one thing that came to mind.

"Are you really over 400 years old?" Tom seemed to have calmed down a little, but his tone was still hostile.

Bill was trying to decide what he was feeling; it wasn't everyday you became a vampire.

"Yes," Gackt said simply, sitting down on one of the other chairs. "I have been many things in many places, but I think I like this incarnation the most."

"And when did you decide to play god?"

Yep, Tom was definitely still hostile.

"When I watched a dear friend, with more talent than most of the rest of the world dreams of, die and I could have prevented it," Gackt replied, for once totally serious. "Since, I have looked for similar talent and made sure it will endure. It is possible for a vampire to die; beheading works, but nothing else will be permanent. Contrary to popular belief, we are not monsters, we just require a little blood to survive."

"So all the legends are just so much shit?" Bill asked, using the thought to distract himself from other possible ones.

Gackt gave a small shrug.

"Mostly," the other vampire replied; "mortals tend to fear what they do not understand. In this day and age it is very easy to acquire what we need, in previous generations it was more difficult. Before blood banks, a live donor was the only option, hence the legends. Vampires can become insane just like mortals as well, so there have been those in the past who have run rampant. No different from a mortal serial killer, just more news worthy."

Bill let that sink in for a while and then all sorts of things began occurring to him.

"Where would I get blood?" he asked the first thing that made it to the forefront of his mind.

He was still reeling from shock, but thinking about immediate needs gave him something on which to concentrate.

"Those of our kind are scarce, but we are very practical," Gackt said as if it was nothing, "and there are many avenues set up for such things. I will give you a contacts list. If you mention that I sent you, you will not have any problems and if you do, contact me immediately and I will deal with it."

Bill filed the information away and wondered how organised vampires really were. They had to be really good at hiding, since the world thought they were all myths and legends. It was so much to take in and he was having a little trouble rationalising it all. He was a vampire, an honest to god vampire, and one day he was going to stop aging; he'd live forever and that was a really big concept.

"I invited you here this evening in my letter to explain everything to you," Gackt said, a sincere expression on his face; "I did not realise you would believe that last night was a delusion. If I had I would have remained until you woke this morning, I apologise."

Tom's expression was carefully neutral when Bill looked at his brother and he knew Tom probably wanted to give Gackt a long talking to, but it seemed as if his twin was holding off for his sake. They were ridiculously protective of each other and he knew he'd be on the war path if he was in Tom's shoes. Then again, Tom always had been the more practical one and alienating Gackt now would be a really stupid thing to do. He couldn't exactly blame all this on the vampire either, he had walked into this situation and he had ignored several ways out, which he was sure had been genuine.

"Were you always going to make me like you," he asked one of the questions that was bothering him, "from the moment you invited me to your suite last night?"

Gackt gave him a small smile for the question.

"You captivated me from the first time I saw you in the lobby two days ago," Gackt said, seemingly quite happy to talk about it, "but no, I was not sure when I brought you here. I do not usually make up my mind quite so fast and I must admit I became enamoured with you very quickly. If I had not done, you would have woken up this morning remembering the sex, but nothing else and I would have attempted to see you again."

"Why would you be enamoured with me?" Bill really didn't understand it; it wasn't as if Gackt was a teenage fan or anything like that, but he saw Gackt and Tom exchange a look at his words.

That was a bit strange, that the two would see anything eye to eye, and he frowned at Tom to show he had seen the look.

"Bill, you kind of have that effect on lots of people, and not just teenage girls," Tom said seemingly knowing exactly what he was thinking.

Bill just blinked and Tom patted him on the shoulder. He wasn't sure he quite believed it, but he didn't have time to ponder that then.

"Beauty and talent," Gackt said as if it explained everything.

Bill opened his mouth and shut it again; he didn't know what to say, which seemed to happen to him quite a lot around Gackt. He had so many questions he didn't know what to ask first and, when Tom perched on the edge of his chair, he knew they weren't leaving until at least some of them were answered.


Bill's head was spinning and he wasn't sure he would have made it back to their suite without Tom making sure he was walking in the right direction. It was about two in the morning and, although not comfortable with his situation yet, Bill was glad he understood more about it. Gackt had sent him away with a couple of blood pouches in a cool bag and instructions on when to use them and there seemed to be a truce between Tom and the older vampire even if there wasn't outright friendship.

It wasn't until Tom opened the door and pushed him through that he remembered how they had left Georg and Gustav, because their two friends were still sitting in the communal area. Two slightly worried faces looked up at him and he froze.

"Everything okay?" Gustav asked in a manner that suggested he wasn't sure if he was stepping into territory where he did not belong.

"Fine," Tom said, walking past him and throwing himself onto the sofa as if nothing had happened at all, "Bill was just panicking over nothing."

Bill was very glad for Tom at that moment, because he had no idea how to answer the question. He was an extremely bad liar, but he really didn't want to come out and then come out as a vampire on the same day. It was all really a bit much.

"Bill, go to bed," Tom said as if he was still in mother hen mode, "before you fall down. The world is no longer about to end because you mortally offended one of the most famous men in Japan, which you didn't in the first place."

Usually Bill didn't take well to being told what to do, but far too much had happened for him to argue. He knew a good get out when he saw it and he was feeling incredibly tired, so, mentally thanking Tom for his quick thinking, he paused just long enough to look like he was thinking of retaliating and then turned towards his room with a huff.

"Try that when I'm awake and I'm replacing all your caps with pink fluffy ones," he warned, just to keep his side up.

A cushion hit him on the back of the head as he opened his bedroom door and he calmly gave Tom a one finger salute before disappearing. He would have to think of a way to thank his brother properly later as he closed the door and heard Tom fielding questions about what they had been up to all evening with professional precision. It was at times like this he was really very glad to have a twin.


Gackt stood in the shadows to the side, for once anonymous to the screaming fans as Tokio Hotel did one last autograph walk as they left the hotel. It had been a very interesting few days. Both he and Bill had had very full schedules, but they had spent a lot of time together in the late evenings. The sex had been very rewarding, but he had to admit that the talking had been even more fascinating. Bill really was a unique young man and he was very glad he had taken an interest.

"Isn't he very young?" his companion asked quietly.

"Talent does not necessary come with age," Gackt replied, watching his latest conversion grinning and signing things; "and has to be seized before it burns out. He'll feel his audiences now and they'll feed him rather than drain him."

"And it helps that he's incredibly pretty," his companion commented with a small laugh.

He smiled.

"Yes, Yo-chan, it helps that he is beautiful," he said, turning and looking at Yoshiki, "but it helped that you were beautiful as well."

Yoshiki grinned at that. As the first musician he had decided to turn, Yoshiki was a very good friend although they had spent some years apart since Gackt had decided to recreate himself and become a rock star as well. It was very entertaining to Gackt pretending to be the younger of the two these days. All those he had given the gift were his friends; there was no point in going through eternity alone; he had tried that for several centuries and it had not been fulfilling.

"I almost didn't follow through," he admitted, letting himself enjoy just looking at his latest vampire child.

"That's not like you," Yoshiki said, sounding quite surprised; "what could have stopped you? You have seduction down to an art form and that is definitely a prize worth playing for."

Gackt smiled slightly at that; Bill had indeed been very much worth the effort he had gone to, to catch him.

"He was innocent," he said simply, looking sideways at his companion.

"Oh," was all Yoshiki said, clearly understanding him.

"I may have seen far too much of the world, but I still believe there are some things that should be given freely, not seduced away," Gackt said, feeling rather pleased that Bill had not backed out when given the choice. "It would have been unfortunate if he had said no, but I would just have had to work a little harder over a little more time."

Yoshiki nodded in acknowledgement and they settled into silence for a while as they watched Tokio Hotel working the hoard of screaming girls. It was quite hard for Gackt to stay in place when Bill had to be rescued by security from a set of grabbing hands that wouldn't let go of his jacket.

"You know Hyde-kun will be desperate to meet him when you tell him about the beautiful German," Yoshiki said, eyes watching Bill in the same way Gackt's had been; "you know what he was like when you told him about Miya-chan or Shin-chan for that matter."

"I'm sure they will soon take Japan by storm just as they have Europe," Gackt said, already calculating how he could help to arrange it even though he didn't mention it. "We will have to have a gathering to welcome Bill to the family as soon as possible."
They stood again for a few minutes in silence, just watching the organised chaos.

"How long do you think it will be before he turns his twin?" Yoshiki asked just as the other band were reaching their van.

"A few months at the most," Gackt replied without hesitation; "twins such as they can be very different to look at, but they do not survive well on different sides of such a divide. I believe Tom will ask Bill to change him sooner; it will just take Bill that long to agree. They are more alike than they choose to admit."

"I look forward to meeting them both personally," Yoshiki said and Gackt turned to look at his companion.

The expression of interest on Yoshiki's face was anything but innocent.

"I have no doubt," was Gackt's only comment and made a mental note to warm Bill that he and Tom were likely to be jumped the moment they set foot in Japan.

The End

fandom: jrock, ch_story: beauty and talent, fandom: crossovers, genre: vampires, category: slash, fandom: tokio hotel, rating: r to nc17, series: das geschenk, fictype: short fic, person: gackt, pairing: xo - bill/gackt

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