(no subject)

Feb 13, 2005 03:17

So my original mun finally returned from whatever the fuck he was doing up north, and is only now getting around to seeing how his puppets are doing. Apparently he holds us somewhat responsible for his lack of sanity. I say psh, because it's not like I or any of us would exist were it not for his total insanity. Case in point: he's writing an entry for me at 3 AM.

Needless to say, my life hasn't been roses while he was gone. I was kicked around from mun to mun for a bit, and Luthien left me for him. I can't help but wonder if things would have been different if good old dr00 had still been at the wheel. But, oh well, this is probably the last time for a long time I'll be revived from The Box, or The Void, or wherever all of us ended up, so I should be somewhat thankful. I mean, we had a good run, right? I made great music with these three fucks, popped back and forth between Corgan and Ford a few times, and lobbed some wedding cakes. I even got to run Mandos for a bit. So, not a bad life. At least my mun has some semblance of a real existence now, and so I can be content to be an integral peice of a small and slightly deranged part of his brain. And, in the end, it is all her fault anyways, for making it possible for me to be here.

So, here I am, the first and last puppet that he ever posted with. At least I was sane in comparison to a few others.

Back to The Box I go. Perhaps now that all of this is behind us, Mr. Tolkien can slow down his rotation and move towards quiet rest again, which we so ungratefully disturbed in early 2002.

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