Dec 10, 2009 05:49
Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
Update your journal with the answers to the questions
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1. What did you want to be when you grew up? A mother. I started babysitting before I was teenager, making a little money by watching the neighbor. I was always working in the nursery at church - even before I started babysitting. Growing up - that is all I thought I could possibly want. And is now the only thing I don't have in my lige.
2. What word would you eliminate from the English language if you could? Whatever. It is the most vile and rude word in the language! What is sad is that the original meaning was nothing to do with the current connotation. If it were to just go back to its original meaning, I could live with that to.
3. If you had three wishes, what would they be? Um wow. 1 - Seriously - $1 million bucks. Even after tax, the house, van, and any debt we have would be paid off. We could buy the house me and Maggi want that is freaking awesomesauce. Papa wouldn't stress over money anymore. 2 - Children - I want them, but to be honest I think I will have to do the gastric bypass before it can happen. 3 - Long lives with the three of us together.
4. What's your favorite place that you've ever been? Wow, that one is actually kind of hard. But a few I have to mention as they are favorites for different reasons... Galveston, as I learned to be at peace with my own soul there. The constant tide of the ocean and the pull of the place calmed me and allowed me to accept myself at a time when I was having a difficult time with it. van. It has gone to all these wonderful places with such wonderful people. The first trip we took in it was the one we took to SJW with a group of friends - and we usually have awesome conversations in there too. Music we all enjoy - even sometimes a movie.
5. Are you happy? Yes. We all have our ups and downs, but my ups outweigh the downs right now, so all is good. :)