
Apr 19, 2017 10:19

I'm planning my first hike of the spring for this Saturday. It's fun to go over the checklists, plan my route, and figure out lunch given a relatively cold forcast. I might go for stew, because I have a good thermos, but I might just stick to bringing a hot drink and a cold lunch.

I'm heading out with a friend, and I'm hoping to get out hiking at least every other weekend this summer. There aren't all that many places I can get to by T, but I'll go explore what I can get to, and get my hiking legs in practice.

I was thinking about getting to the convention in San Juan this summer, but that's a good week of vacation time, and I think I'd rather ask Mom if she wants to go see a national park somewhere. She does day hikes, not overnight, but she's a great hiking partner. My brother and the kids are going to be in France for a month, so I don't think getting down there and finding hiking routes that are kid friendly is going to happen, but maybe in a year or two when L is older? It would be fun, and I think D would have a blast.

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