In this brief entry Berby will complain about the following:
I'm on the sixth ship of a six-ship painting gig. Normally I'd be "Huzzah! I'm painting machines 'n shit!" Not so with this beast/bastard/motherfucker. This last one's killing me. I won't name the IP it's from, except to say the King is Mad. Please, God, do not let him direct again. Ever
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Sorry to hear about the full-body-slam in the health department. I'm down myself today and just had to skip on a meeting this afternoon because of it. I need to be better by this Thursday, though. Headed to San Francisco for a few days!
And what the heck is GP Lille?
What's in San Fran, other than the wonderfulness that is San Fran?
Grand Prix Lille. 'tis a thing of Magic. He said.
Hearing you chat about it, I'm really missing the cons and things right about now! I'll have to do something about that... :)
I think taking a break from the convention circuit is a great thing. I'm redesigning that portion of my life. It eats up a lot of time. And you've got to think about how much it's really helping your business. I'm not convinced it's necessary to maintain a freelance career. In fact I'm thinking too much con time is potentially detremental to growing your biz.
Then again, you're a permanent-type employee, so why worry in the first place?
Unless Shrubco has its way, in which case we'll all have our jobs outsourced. 's ok, though, we can go work for the gubbermint then. Yay.
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