Aug 15, 2006 22:23
my poor baby car has been mutilated!!!! i totally got side-swiped by an 18-wheeler!! the front left of my car is gone! at least the fiber glass part is gone. and my left headlight is gone. and part of the fender came off. and there's a huge scrape/gauge down the entire left side. and the mirror is dangling by the wires. and the front right side is all scraped up from hitting the metal barrier! my dad is all angry, cuz of course i TRIED to get hit by a big huge truck of course. and he keeps telling me that i don't realize how close i came to getting killed. well, guess what? i do. if i had pulled out any farther, the truck would have hit me square in the driver's side door and i would have been squashed like a little bug. thanks for reminding me, ya know, since i JUST STOPPED FREAKING OUT AND SHAKING, dad!!!!! and apparently the truck didn't even notice that it hit me, cuz it just kept on going. at least a nice man in a pickup truck stopped to help me though. he called 911. i called my mom and hyper-ventilated to her over the phone. (not really, but i was rather hysterical) and the people that had been on the other side of the truck and saw it (i'm not sure how...i would think the truck was blocking their view, but whatever, they were nice) turned around and came back to check on me. and the policeman was nice and didn't write me a ticket b/c i had gotten "the worst end of the deal" as he put it...even though it was technically my fault cuz i had a yield sign. but in my defense, i looked and didn't see it, cuz there was a hill and it was moving really fast so one minute it wasn't there and the next it was, and plus i was expecting to have a lead in lane thingy and i didn't... anyway, since i don't think i mentioned it yet, i'm completely unhurt. i'm just crazy tired and stressed feeling right now. and of course it all happened 2 hours away from home, so my mommy couldn't come hug me. although robby's dad came to check on me and drove in front of me half the way home to make sure i was all right. thank you mr. pletcher!!! i was gonna try to write a thank-you note to the man who stopped to help me, and the policeman said his address would be on the report so i could get it, but it wasn't, so i guess that means no thank-you note.
*sigh* i feel better now. goodnight.