Jul 30, 2006 17:51
yesterday i had so much fun, i went to my dads resteraunt with my brother, andrei, george, peter, mez and malak, we ate a shit load of food, enjoyed intriguing conversations and had a blast. i didnt think i could have that much fun without alcohol. speaking of alcohol, later that night i went to jeff and nicholettes to celbrate my b'day again and made martini's and cocktails and stuff, nicho had to have made the sweetest friggin drink in history, it was pretty much all liquid strawberries and sugar lol, she called it a maguirita haha, so i slept over had fun again and today i went to cronulla to drop off nicholettes friend and now i'm headng off to bankstown to run an erond for my evil sister lol. anyway i'm outties b4 she starts yelling, holla homies. XOxoXOxoX LoVe aLWaYS dEAn. MWAAAAAA