wat a F%&^@# week hehe

Feb 26, 2006 10:54

omg ok, thursday had to be like the scariest day of my fucken life, i was driving with my mum coz im still on my L's right? and then she tells me turn down this lil street, b4 i know it there's a primary school there and it's a dead end, so im driving down this little street at 20km/h and wat runs in front of my car? 2 little boys about 6 years old so i slammed on the brakes and... SMACK BANG one of the boys hit his head on my hood and the other just nicked the car but kept on running, by the way, i called the school becoz im such a caring person... *rolls eyes* lol and the children r fine, and ive got fucken tonsillitis and i can't swallow anything... sorry to all the hot guys out there lol. omg omg cool news, my parents just bought this fucken sexy BMW it's a 2006 model too and i was like :-0 the whole time they brought it home lol and now i have a car, my parents decided to give me their former family car which is a hyundai Lantra HOORAY! omg im such a dickhead! yesterday i was taking my antibiotics for my tonsillitis and wat do i do? i get complete shitfaced drunk. and hooray i got 40 mins sleep last night. by the way, how r u jackson? i havent spoken to u in a while mister, maybe we shud catch up sumtime soon ok? mwa mwa love ya's
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