Oct 28, 2005 21:51
Hey whats up? i havent been up to anything.. just college, work, homework.. and other bullshit stuff.. nothing really fun anyways.. so whats up with you guys? i havent been on live journal in a long time... i dunno why i just been pretty busy.. i have to do a stupid resume and i missed class like two times and im way behind.. =( but its my own fault.. being irresponsible has bad consequences.. i told my teacher i was sick though so hopefully she lets me make up my work.. i think im going to go to the library on monday and work on my resume and this worksheet that i have to do for english.. i hope i didnt miss midterm in that class.. i think i missed my pyschology mid term but hopefully the teacher lets me make it up because that was like the only day ive ever missed her classs. i have to study for my med term test on tuesday.. and i think i have a math test on monday lmao.. so i have some homework to get up on.. anyways im so sick of school!!! i dont know how people do this.. but anyways im gonna go update my myspace and my xanga.. i hope i remember the names i have to use to get in there.. oops.. peace