Jan 01, 2007 21:31

It's two-double-oh-seven. The James Bond folks missed a silly opportunity by releasing Casino Royale in November.

Been an interesting week. There was a party in Joe's basement Saturday night which resulted in:
  • Guitar Hero a-plenty
  • Freestyle Russian rapping
  • An extremely drunk Joe who totally would've destroyed a certain cookie-throwing Millrod with a panel of siding had there not been a support pipe there
  • Lots of pee on Joe's car (it GLISTENED!)
  • A set from Beowulf Jones, Double Parked and the Fairy Godmothers
  • The denial of there having been a set from the Silver Snakes
  • Boobies on TV
  • Discussions of hot girls from Longwood
  • A very confused dog wearing a sequined headdress
  • The threat of defecation in Joe's dryer
  • Several encores of "A Whole New World"
  • NO ALPHABET SOUP (I'm trying to remember details and the phrase "alphabet soup" keeps coming to mind... but there was no alphabet soup, jerkbrain!)
  • Lots of pee on Joe's car
  • Almost pee in Joe's mouth
  • Joe planning to pee in Josh's pillow (not on -- IN!)
  • And so on.

I didn't have my camera, but I expect pictures to be up on facebookycookie sooner or later.

OH! And my hard drive "crashed!" Really, I'd just used up almost all of the hard drive, flipped off (the power) on the computer because the printer was an HP (apparently, that's insulting), and WHABAM! Windows went-a bye bye -- which sucks in particular because I'd actually kept my New Year's resolution of taking a daily self-portrait of myself and was readying the whole shebang for online consumption. BOO HISS.

Resolution for this year? Play trombone every day. (HA!)
I've got a sore throat creeping up to my nose at the moment, so I might end up flaking out on the first day. BOO HISS AGAIN.

However, in the "I done good things!" file, I put together a remix-of-sorts of a Rapscallionz track. Over the course of a day (leading up to the Basement Bash), I took down the lyrics (dictated to me by JesSe), played with the instrumental backing (send to me by JesSe) and replaced all the vocals with computerized versions. MUCH HARDER THAN IT SOUNDS! Josh was plenty pleased with the demo; I was just glad it was done for the day.

(I'll post it in a day or so, when I've finished tweaking it.)

ANNNNND that's about it for now. I started this entry with the hope that if I babbled on for long enough, the 405 photos I have saved (from the hard drive wipe) on my camera would finish uploading. Nope. Only up to 277. BOO HISS A THIRD TIME.
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