
Oct 01, 2008 08:16

I was driving along, listing to a CD made years ago, not thinking of anything in particular, admiring the cold green fields of middle England, dodging the sun rising ubove the horizon which at times shined in my eyes making marks and shapes even when they were closed. Then Bang, it must have been a line in a song, a musical key which reaches into my mind and unlocks somthing, no so much a door as a dam letting go and I'm overwhelmed with a rush of emotions. It makes me wonder where it all comes from, makes me wonder how and why all this stuff was pilled up behind the door, the dam.

I know we all do it, we all bottle up emotions and feelings. Stuff that doesn't really go anywhere, or stuff we just cant deal with in any rational way, so it gets burried in mour minds, wakes us up in the night, comes out when we donet expect it.

In other news, I'm recovering from a bout of Man Flu, Clare on Facebook is also suffering, altough I'm not sure if woman can catch man flu, perhapse she just has the normal sort. Anyway, she offerred to come round and rub my chest, then said I could do the same for her. Gota Love that girl.

That is all.
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