The Boston Globe
agrees with me about who should be the Democratic nominee for governor of Massachusetts. This line from their endorsement of
Deval Patrick particularly resonates with me:Patrick sees the comprehensive picture.
I’ve heard him speak (once in person, several times broadcast), and among many inspiring attributes, I am struck by his ability to see and understand the big picture, the complexities of an issue, and yet incorporate it, accurately and without misleading, into inspiring speeches. One example of this is when, in a discussion of how to attract investment to Massachusetts, he points out that people who attend public universities are much likelier to stay in the area after graduation than people who attend private universities. Don’t get me wrong; he’s extremely supportive of private higher-education, but he feels that it’s also very important to form partnerships with public universities (both for the Commonwealth to invest in them, and for the Commonwealth to catalyze university-industry partnerships and public-private university partnerships), because that will lead to a more highly-trained workforce here, which will make us more competitive in attracting investment (i.e., jobs).
Another piece of the Globe’s endorsement also strikes me as noteworthy:Often, the character of a political campaign provides a lens into how a candidate would govern. One may call on longtime political alliances. One may spend a lot of money on television ads. Patrick has chosen to build a broad citizen organization, fueled by his inspiring presence, perhaps, but also benefiting from the advice and participation of thousands who are joining the political process in earnest for the first time. The organization may help propel him to victory in the election. More important, because of the base it provides to speak directly to the voters and mobilize support for change, it can help him govern.
Many people point out that Patrick is not only an inspiring, charismatic leader, but a responsive, intelligent listener. I feel very confident in his ability to assemble a competent, impressive team; he’s already done it, and on an unusual scale for a gubernatorial candidate (especially one outside the political establishment).
If you are eligible to vote in the Democratic primary on Tuesday the 19th (i.e., if you are registered as a Democrat), please vote in it, and if you agree with me that Deval Patrick is the best thing to happen to Massachusetts politics and government in a good long time, please vote for him.