(no subject)

May 02, 2005 10:02

-First best friend: Christine
-First car: 98 Cavalier
-First kiss:Danny then I punched him in the nose hehe
-First screen name: macjr or something
-First self purchased album: hanson
-First funeral: Great Grandma
-First pets: o wow...2 dogs rebel and bobo and 2 hamster mickey and max that lived forever and 2 fish i dont remember their names and pumpkin(cat)
-First piercing/tattoo: ears
-First musician you remember hearing in your house: Rolling Stones

-Last car ride: last night
-Last good cry: when toby died :(
-Last library book checked out: abortion books
-Last movie seen: on tv it was where the heart is
-Last beverage drank: diet orange soda
-Last food consumed: captain crunch
-Last phone call: kari(we r getting a new dog!!)
-Last time showered: yesterday
-Last shoes worn: flip flops
-Last cd played: kelly clarkson
-Last item bought: groceries
-Last annoyence: medical terminoloy
-Last disappointment: medical terminoloy
-Last time wanting to die: long time ago?
-Last time scolded: probably the last time i was home
-Last shirt worn: uk shirt
-Last website visited: livejournal.com
-Last song you sang: dont mess with my heart
-Last color socks you were wearing?: pink booties
-What color of underwear are you wearing?: pink
-What time did you wake up today?: 8:15ish

-Where do you want to go?: Europe
-What is your career going to be?: hopefully something in business thatd be awesome
-Where are you going to live?: wherever we end up
-How many kids do you want?: 3
-What kind of car(s): whatever

-Current mood: stressed/excited
-Current music: radio
-Current taste: orande soda
-Current hair: up
-Current clothes: jeans & a hoodie

-Nervous Habits?: fidgeting
-Can you roll your tongue?: ya
-Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: no
-Can you blow spit bubbles?: ya
-Can you cross your eyes?: no
-Do you make your bed daily?: no ty

-Which shoe goes on first?: usually right
-Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: most likely
-On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet?: 40-50
-What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: 1 ring,neclace,and earrings
-Favorite piece of clothing?: pjs

-Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: both
-Have you ever eaten Spam?: ya i liked it when i was little bc i was disgusting
-Favorite ice cream flavor?: birthday cake
-How many cereals in your cabinet? 2
-What's your favourite beverage?: water
-What's your favorite restaurant?: regazzi's
-Do you cook?: sometimes

-How often do you brush your teeth?: morning and night
-Hair drying method?: air or hair dryer
-Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? yeah

-Do you swear?: yes
-Do you ever spit? um no thats nasty

-Food?: mex dip
-Month?: July
-Day?: Friday
-Shoe Brand?: adidas
-Subject in school?: english
-Color?: pink
-Sport?: dance
-TV show?: friends

-CD Player: i dont really use it i have my ipod
-Person you talk most on the phone with?: my sister
-Ever taken a cab?: yes
-Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: yeah its habit
-What color is your bedroom?: white how nice but when i go back im so painting it
-Do you use an alarm clock?: yes but i always wake up 2 mins before it so i dont know why i bother
-Window seat or aisle?: aisle

-What's your sleeping position?: tummy
-Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: yes damnit
-Do you snore?: when im sick
-Do you sleepwalk?: no
-Do you talk in your sleep?: no
-Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yeah
-How about with the light on?: maybe the tv
-Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: sometimes
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