First off
brithistorian, have a wonderful birthday tomorrow!
Friday I rented Fracture; this is a really good movie. The guy who played opposite Anthony Hopkins did a bang up job. Nice psychological detective/law plot. There was allot of cool previews before the movie; but the best was the one for The Golden Compass. Way cool! My biggest hope for The Lord of the Rings movies is that it would inspire film makers to turn any one of a number of great fantasy novels into movies, especially this one; I remember when I was reading I was thinking how cinematic the story was. Now if someone would just get ahold of one of Tad Williams sagas or anything by Robin Hobb.
When I went for my wake-up walk Saturday morning I ran into my ex-girlfriend. Pleasant enough but surreal. Her life seems to be continually filled with some kind of drama. Fortunately my impulse to run screaming outweighed my impulse to solve all her problems. So I politely took my leave.
So yesterday afternoon my friends came over. We played a couple of games of Wiz-War. Wander around a labrinthine dungeon trying to either kill everybody else OR steal two treasure from your opponents. Did I mention that everybody is Wizard(hence the name) throwing spells all over the place. Then we played(really no theme was intended), Master Labyrinth. This one you are alchemists wandering around a maze that's constantly changing trying to gather ingredients for your potion.
After this one of my friends and myself went to Java Jacks for the storytelling presentation. There were five tellers and they all were good; pretty hard because I'm a bit picky. Two of them were really good! There was a very large audience for someone had managed to get it listed in the City Pages A-list! I was watching the crowd and almost everyone was paying close attention. Then for the open mike portion of it there were four more really good tellers. A very fun night to end a wonderful day.
This afternoon I wrote for almost an hour. I haven't written anything for a month or two. Then I finished the one painting that was very close to be done. Turns out after erasing parts of what I added, I just barely touched it.
When I get back home, after getting organized, I'll get back to working on my game design.