Sep 12, 2007 17:02
It's absolutely gorgeous out. Too bad I already committed to showing up for games; well I'll have fun anyway.
In the sad news category; I've made arrangements to put my cat to sleep tomorrow. He's stopped eating and hides in the closet all day long. This combined with him being 16, going outside his box and failing kidneys means his expiration date is up.
Ihave my notebook on me so here's a few poems:
an undulating sward
of cool green grass
verdant in the
early evening shade
so engaging I just want
to experience it
and not write another word
to lay here until
the sun is well set
this is beauty
lushness and serenity
such a pregnant word
what is it all about
what does it require
how big is it
whose do we want
how much does it cost
is the sky an experience
is riding on the bus one
petting my cat
grass between bare toes
laughter and friends
yes yes and YES