Mar 07, 2005 16:51
"A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing" -church sign
"It is better to die on your feet than to love on your knees" -Dolored Ibarruri
I hate churches that have billboards with lame assed messages on them. DONT FORCE YOUR RELIGION ON ME. Do I go around saying "If you believe in God you're stupid! or "A lot of worshiping God will keep you from reaching the ultimate enlightenment!!!!" No. Because I'm a nice sensible person. The pastor can tell his parishoners that they need to kneel more, but I DONT NEED TO HEAR IT. How about this one, I've always found it funny: "If God is your copoilot switch seats." The worst part is that I've remembered that for so many years, that it stuck with me.
I'm not an atheist, I'm an agnostic. Look it up. This whole bullshit about forcing your religion on others goes along with Bush and the religious people taking over the country. Listen to "When the president talks to God" by Bright Eyes. They're taking away our rights, they're ruining our lives. They refuse to see the facts that are right in front of them. Global Warming isn't a myth. It's not a greenie thing. It's real, and it's scary. Iraq has and had no weaposn of mass destruction. You wanna talk about what's evil? This war is evil. A draft's coming, and it's coming soon. People are dieing FOR NO CAUSE. I'd like to see Bush put his life on the line. If he were the one out there on the front line he would have ended this war a year ago. If you don't think he's bad, take a look at our nation's finances. Take a look at how much in debt we are, and take a look at what we're soending those funds on. Read some democratic magazines or something. The stuff they're doing AND GETTING AWAY WITH is disgusting. Seriously disgusting. I can understand why my brother left the country, because I want to too.
I love flames.