(no subject)

Dec 16, 2006 10:53

My dreads are annoying.  They don't look as nice as I would like them to look and they also aren't dreaded at the roots for about 2 inches.  Also, they look terrible if I don't have a bandana or hat on.  The 4 dreads in the front of my head hadn't dreaded even a little in the 3 months I have had them rubberbanded so I took them out yesterday.  I am considering taking some drastic measures and just cutting my hair and retrying the dreads later when I have money and can get them done professionally.  What do you think?  I would probably cut it to about this length:  http://photos-827.facebook.com/ip002/v13/174/53/38500525/n38500525_30040827_122.jpg
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