What just happened here?

Jan 11, 2008 03:17

My brother's girlfriend gave me a copy of The Game for Christmas. I've been reading it self-consciously on the train, trying to obscure the cover and the spine so it looks like I'm reading any other leather-bound book, e.g. The Holy Bible.

On the way to dodgeball a guy recognized the book in my lap and started talking to me about it. He said he didn't like Neil Strauss's writing so much but preferred material by David DeAngelo, who is mentioned in the book. The guy kept talking to me, even though I didn't have much to say to him, and even when I began to return to the book a few times he would resume the conversation.

I just typed his name into Google and now I'm pretty sure the guy on the train was David DeAngelo himself.

This puts the moment when I told him it was surprising how all the pick-up artists in the book seemed like nerds and losers in a brand new light.
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