Jul 03, 2006 21:54

Woah, it's been crazy long since my last entry. Sorry about that. I was really stressed out from work, and the end of grade 12... teachers decided to pile on a lot of major assignments...

Ok.. so wha'ts new? A lot. Haha, I discovered how terrifying my foxy history teacher is to do a seminar in front of.. and I actually hyperventilated before I went. It was the most terrifying 35 minutes of my life. I also discovered my ability to write essays THE DAY OF, and get good marks on them. I've always been a procrastinator... but I reached a peak, and somehow ended up with stellar markson my law and english ISU essays.

I had GRAD PARTIES, which were awesome. First, we had the official one, where we all got on a bus, went to Melina's field (she's the head girl), and got hella drunk. I threw up for the first time, and spooned for the first time ;). Then, there was another one a week later at Shannon's house... which I also somehow ended up wasted (serioulsy, I only chugged two beers!). My graduating class is so fun.. because everybody's so nice to everybody. It's not all cliquey.. and like, I was walking around hanging out with everybody.. it was awesome.

Meh, there's actually not that much else to say.

OH! Sara (aka, my llama buddy.. aka, my music pimp) sent me the new Billy Talent cd, and it's kickass! Serioulsy.. like, download some of their songs from Billy Talent II. It rocks my ass right off!
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