Sep 06, 2005 22:46
I don't know how to begin this other than by saying that I have a gnawing pain in my forehead.
Perhaps it's because of the congestion brought on by the summer cold that I caught. Since I began working-out in earnest back in April, I have -or rather, had- developed a sense of invulnerability that permeated into all aspects of my life; extending from increased confidence in everyday social interactions to a belief that I was impervious to sickness. I never had actually considered that my rapidly-increasing work-out regimen, compounded by my desire to continue burning fat, would actually cause my body harm. In retrospect this seems quite naive as I had begun jogging 6.2 miles every day, in addition to weight lifting for 90 minuets every other day, all the while consuming roughly the same amount of calories I had eaten before I began truly exercising. I not only was killing myself at the gym, I was essentially starving myself. But now I've seen the light and have taken several days off to recuperate. And while I may not totally achieve my goal of having a perfect body (or as close to perfect as possible) by summer's end; I know I'm already much closer to that goal than I ever have been before.
Or perhaps my headache is due in part to the copious amounts of marijuana I have been smoking throughout summer (and last spring quarter, for that matter). While any stoner will be quick to point out that the drug has no physically addictive properties; I nevertheless feel that I have indeed become profoundly psychologically addictive to the substance. Perhaps it is time to -not stop- but reduce the frequency of my exposure to pot.
Or maybe my headache is due to my emerging realization that we, collectively as a species, live such dangerously unhealthy and increasingly unsustainable lives. Sometimes I truly fear that during my lifetime I will see the inevitable disastrous end of contemporary civilization. That is, if I don't die from a cancerous mutation in my body brought on by the countless number of artificial chemicals that our unsustainable lifestyles have polluted throughout our lives, or from the insanity brought on by thinking such saddening thoughts.
Or perhaps the pain will subside once I get high again and briefly forget about all of life’s problems.
Good. I think it's done warming up.