Boys are born in cabbages, natural homemade food colouring

Feb 11, 2009 10:17

Bento content
-Blue naturally coloured rice
-Lighter version of the beetroot cupcake
-Lentils and nut cupcake
-Carrot sticks flavoured with ginger and anis
-Broccoli flavoured with ginger, anis, and chilli pepper
-Carrot and celery pickle
-Red cabbage polish salad with walnuts
-Mushrooms and cucumber slices
-Green cabbage leave flavoured with ginger, chilli pepper and anis.

This my yesterday bento with the blue naturally coloured rice. Conclusion it is really tasty and it has been approved by Bear. I tried to present a little baby boy wrapped in a cabbage leaf. A French joke, I believe.

It came to my mind that you might be interested to have a overview of different natural colouring I have blogged. (the link on the colour refers to the post I featured this rice coloring, the link on the vegetables refers to the recipe).

Red: Cherry, Beetroot (the recipe will be updated next week).
Pink: Beetroot.
Yellow: Curcuma.
Bright yellow, light orange: saffron.
Orange: Carrot.
Purple: Blueberry.
Blue: Red cabbage with raising powder.
Green: Green cabbage, courgette.
Brown: soya sauce (recipe and post, next week).

Sweet pink: Cherry jam.

I mostly used them here to dye rice, but you can dye eggs, cakes, icing sugar.
Dying eggs can also be done using tea or onions.

*Updated: blue coloured rice recipe, light version of the beetroot cupcakes.*

dye, purple, green, rice, orange, vegan, red, brown, natural food colouring, vegetables, pink, blue, cupcake, bento, cereals, yellow

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