Lentils patties,
breaded seitan-Tomatoes, maize, olives
Spicy cucumber with yoghurt,
spicy tomato sauce-
Apple atchar This meal was a real treat dinner to recover from our awful New Year's Eve.
That day so many things went wrong: from our luggage at the airport,
to our evening plans. With no shop opened that night (when we arrived in Warsaw)
and the tiredness of the journey we messed up the meal, broke a glass, and even the bottle opener!
No way to even have a little sip to greet this New year!
Well, after one hour and a half of walk in the cold we enjoyed the end of our evening at an
outdoor concert at Plac Konstitucji! It was really enjoyable to dance and sing under the
stars and the fireworks!
Well, let's get back to cooking. In these wraps you'll find a new way to prepare
seitan. I breaded
these seitan with
dried okara better than breadcrumbs. The taste is really similar and it's a so good idea to use up all
this okara! And by drying it I do no more have to worry to use it up quickly as it keeps up to one year.
I so much enjoyed these wraps. I agree that it is a little unusual to have such fillings but the result is gorgeous!
The mix of these crunchy lens patties, meat like seitan, raw vegetables, and the three spicy sauces seduced me.
I appreciated that I added the apple atchar to smooth a bit the spices.