The night before last I dreamed I made out with Enid from Ghost World. It was hot.
Quotes from me and
pie_bot from the past few days that I am probably going to make into comics when I am bored at home:
"Coagulate: To cause transformation of a liquid or a solid into or as if into a soft, semisolid, or solid butt itches."
"You're so eloquent sometimes."
"Oh shit."
"I just got lost in a Reece's."
"I think I just entered a new phase of human existence...It sucks."
"I think dying is like the best drug ever. You can usually only do it once, too, because that's how damn good it is, and when people actually come back after they've done it, they claim to have had all these profound life changing experiences, only..they can't explain them to anyone."
Yes. Last night we got high. That explains it.