At great length, May finally dragged its sorry butt in, and found me back at MacLean, in Royal Oak, and taking a german class in A2. I drive an hour each way, three days a week, to chat with Kalli. Yeehaw.
Anyways. That puts me back in Royal Oak. If you happen to be of like status, make yourself known. The only thing I like better than home is Maggie, and the only thing I like better than good company is home. We can make it happen.
In other news, the
Blog will document those adventures that may happen to be documentable. I like it better than this LJ because the formatting options allow me to maximize its awesomeness. I still check all y'alls, of course. Y'all are more interesting than just me.
Anyways again. A fabulous evening to you all. Give someone a hug.