<3< Vou

Apr 19, 2011 21:22

-- sinisterBro [SB] began pestering centaursTesticle [CT] at 19:30 --

SB: bro
SB: bro
SB: you have to totally check this shit out
SB: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_18xktH6Eobk/R3ciS9-gd8I/AAAAAAAACCs/Y6PCuzxQPbg/s400/centaur.jpg
SB: its fuckin you
SB: i fuckin found you n shit on the internets
CT: D --> That resembles Aurthour more than myself
SB: no shit man
CT: D --> But it was a nice sentiment
SB: its you
SB: yeah
SB: sure i guess
SB: its more sick and shit then anything
CT: D --> Your vulgarity is disgusting
SB: youre disgusting man
SB: like seriously
SB: fuckin
SB: gross
CT: D --> Coming from an orangeb100d peasant, that means nothing
SB: haha
SB: sure man
SB: pump up that cock of yours
CT: D --> What
SB: youre like
SB: on the fuckin dick pedestal man
SB: like
SB: pumpin up your ego and shit
SB: with all this peasant crap, i mean seriosuly
SB: seriously hahaha
SB: but no, you gotta let loose
CT: D --> I am fine the way I am
CT: D --> I have no need to "let 100se"
CT: D --> Whatever that means
SB: i highly fuckin doubt that with all that blood shit you dish out
SB: you totally have to let lose
SB: you gotta loose
CT: D --> Just because you do not understand the hemospectrum does not mean that there is something wrong with me
SB: lt loose like the loosest whore in new yoork
SB: i fuckin understand it brosef
SB: its just stupid as hell man
SB: like
CT: D --> What did you just call me
SB: whoever made it must have went to school for being the biggest fail ass that ever could walk the streets of fail town
SB: and he must have been seriously eating fail flakes everyday
SB: like you brosef
SB: eatin them fail flakes
SB: every day arnt ya?
CT: D --> I do not know what you are talking about
SB: no shit you dont
CT: D --> I eat fresh fuits and vegetables
SB: you got somethin so far up your spinal crack that you cant hear me
SB: open your hearing canals brosef and listen in
CT: D --> Or you simply do not make sense
SB: im pretty sure i am makin all the sense man
SB: for fucks sake
CT: D --> Please do not use such 100d language
CT: D --> It is not required to make yourself understood
CT: D --> And makes you 100k like an ignorant wretch
SB: i think that you are in some serious piles of mistaken and need to grab onto a cool shovel and get your ass out
SB: i am giving you that cool shovel
SB: here bro
SB: get yourself out of there
CT: D --> That does not make any sense
SB: shit man
CT: D --> I think you have over-e%tended your metaphor
SB: you cant be that dumb
SB: seriously
SB: shit man
SB: get your act together
SB: this is broadway
CT: D --> I am highly educated
SB: i have yet to see that brosef
CT: D --> You are not speaking sense
SB: i cant speak money brosef
CT: D --> You are making the opposite of sense
SB: i only speak truth
CT: D --> What truth
SB: all the shit i have been sending your way man
SB: all truth
SB: its like the muthafuckin bank of truth in this bitch
SB: and i am giving you a loan
SB: a loan you aint gotta pay back
SB: and that loan is composed of truth and awesome
CT: D --> Okay
SB: okay?
CT: D --> But I do not see what truth I am supposed to be recieving
SB: the truth you got you ass in a tie
CT: D --> Oh
SB: and im trying to let you in on some boyscout tricks
CT: D --> Was that so hard
SB: so listen muthafucker im here to get you schoolfed and shit
SB: let loose
CT: D --> And how w001d I do that
SB: whoa dude
SB: dude
SB: youre fuckin listenen to me dude?
SB: are you hearing the words i type bro?
SB: is this happening?
CT: D --> I am feeling quite flustered
CT: D --> I am not e%actly sure what is going on right now
SB: flustered?
SB: why brosef
SB: let loose
SB: what feelings ya feelin man?
SB: if i was some kind of mutant shit id have like shit tons of ears right now
CT: D --> You are being very direct and forceful
SB: aight whats the dill then?
SB: your bro here knows how to let loose
CT: D --> It makes it difficolt for me to form adequate replies
CT: D --> I am perspiring quite profusely
SB: whoa bro
SB: got a sweat problem?
SB: check it
SB: showers are in this year no lie
CT: D --> Yes, I know
SB: well shower on up man!
SB: cant be all sweatin n shit on you board man
SB: sick
SB: sick mutha fuck
SB: bro
SB: you showerin now?
SB: hope youre muthafuckin showerin
SB: cause bein clean is the shit
SB: feelin me?
CT: D --> Yes
CT: D --> Well
CT: D --> Not literally feeling you
CT: D --> But being clean is important
SB: sweet man
SB: all right
SB: fuckin awesome
SB: but yeah too bad you cant clean off the sick fuck part of you
SB: i mean jesus youre disgusting man
CT: D --> I am not
SB: you are dude
SB: look at yourself
SB: shit
SB: but dude that can be fixed
SB: you can be fixed like a muthafuckin car brosef
SB: tricked out
SB: you feelin me
SB: ?
CT: D --> I think so
CT: D --> I do like fi%ing things
SB: shit man
SB: ill get my hands all greased and grab my cool wrench and will do this garage style
SB: your oil shall be changed for the slickest shit that ever hit an engine of bro
CT: D --> Oh my
SB: you aight?
CT: D --> Um
CT: D --> yes
SB: good man
SB: i hope a brothers aight
CT: D --> I think I may need a towel before we continue
SB: sick man what for?
SB: you doin fine?
SB: need me to the call hospit?
CT: D --> No, I am just perspiring again
CT: D --> I have a small problem with it
SB: yeah i noticed man
CT: D --> But I do wish to continue down this trail of thought
SB: you totally just showered too
SB: sweet man
SB: yes
SB: lets keep goin down this highway of cool
SB: ill be your fuckin ride man, down this highway
SB: and well rocket off to coolsville
CT: D --> E%cellent
SB: no shit brosef
SB: it is the most excellent of excellent shits
SB: i mean seriously
SB: is excellent was a place wed be all up in that place
SB: and ruling it like kinds
SB: kings even hahaha
SB: fuckin makin people do our bidding and makin laws only the cool would get
SB: only the cool would understand
CT: D --> Yes
SB: its the most fuckin excellent ever brosef
CT: D --> That w001d be e%tremely appropriate
CT: D --> This is good
SB: no shit man
SB: see look
SB: lettin loose
SB: lettin your lowblood bro teach ya the ways of everything that means excellent
CT: D --> Okay
CT: D --> Taking lessons from a lowb100d is a bit depraved but if it helps me become a better highb100d, I will do this
CT: D --> I will command the lowb100ds with my e%cellent knowlege of c001
SB: youll be the best highblood man
SB: no fuckin lie
SB: except your man bro
SB: ill be the tops
SB: you feelin me?
CT: D --> We will see about that
SB: your teacher will be all up on this shit with his mad fingers, tackalackin all the laws like a judge of rhymes
SB: no man
SB: youll fuckin be high up
SB: but bro will be at the tops
SB: i don't even need to try itll just be that way brosef
CT: D --> Fine
SB: damn straight fine
CT: D --> If that makes you happy
SB: shit man it doesnt need to make me happy
SB: itll just happen
CT: D --> Whatever
CT: D --> Just begin your lesson
SB: aight man
SB: heres the deal
SB: you listenin?
SB: you sittin real nice for me?
SB: got your towel in check or whatever you need you sick fuck?
CT: D --> Yes
CT: D --> Do not call me that
SB: brosef
SB: imma call you whatever i want
SB: im yo teacha
CT: D --> I am already tolerating your 100d language
CT: D --> I do not wish be addressed so disrespectfoally
CT: D --> Brosef is fine, but do not call me sick
SB: sick can be good bro
SB: just settle the hell down and shut the fuck up
SB: a brotha is teachin class right now
CT: D --> Fine
SB: damn straight fine
SB: you ready bro?
SB: cause im a muthafuckin race car i need a light
SB: light me bro
SB: give me a signal
CT: D --> I have been ready for some time
SB: now this is the story all about how
SB: my life got flipped, turned up side down
SB: and id like to take a minute just sit right there
SB: ill tell you how i became the prince of a town call bellair
SB: in west philadelphia born and raised
SB: on the playground where i spent most of my days
SB: chilling out, maxing relaxing all cool
SB: and all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
SB: when a couple a guys, they were up to no good
CT: D --> Oh for pity's sake
SB: started makin trouble in my neighborhood
SB: i got in one little fight and my mom got scared
CT: D --> I am not listening to the theme song to the Thresh Prince
CT: D --> I am just not
SB: oh boy
SB: youre fuckin listenin
SB: sit
CT: D --> No
SB: and said, youre moving with your auntie and and uncle in bel air
SB: yes
CT: D --> That is not c001
CT: D --> Okay
SB: sright muthafucka
SB: i whistled for a cab and when it came near the
CT: D --> But it's still stupid
SB: license plate said 'fresh' and had a dice in the mirror
SB: seriously dude
SB: if anythin i could say that this cab was rare
SB: but i thought nah, forget it, yo homes to bel air!
SB: i pulled up to a house about seven or eight
SB: and i yelled to the cabby 'yo homes smell ya later!'
CT: D --> I cannot believe I am putting up with this
SB: looked at my KINGDOM i was finally there
SB: to sit
SB: on my throne
SB: as the prince
SB: of bel air
SB: got it bro?
CT: D --> Was there a point to that
SB: i got more though
SB: if the prince aint teachin ya nothin
SB: im a sweet muthafuckin teacher
SB: like in mathematics i got all the kids covered
SB: i can teach in many ways my brosef
SB: yeah and you didnt get it brosef
CT: D --> All you did was recite the theme song to a lame television show
CT: D --> Unless that was an e%ample of how not to behave
SB: god youre fuckin missin it
CT: D --> So spell it out for me
SB: no man shit
SB: you aint neva gonna get it
SB: youre a fuckin failure
SB: you aint deservin of my muthafuckin time
CT: D --> Or you're just a e%cremental teacher
CT: D --> To think I was sort of e%cited for a little bit
CT: D --> I am just feeling immensely disappointed now
SB: tch fine man
SB: i will send my hardest lesson your way
SB: like a muthafuckin jet
CT: D --> Do not hold back
SB: jesus you sick fuck
CT: D --> I can take anything you have
SB: settle down
SB: gettin all horny up in this bitch with your antin of my learnin
CT: D --> Just get on with it
SB: aight
SB: as long as youre prepared
SB: slob on my knob
SB: lime corn on the cob
SB: check in with me and do your job
SB: lay on the bed and give me head
SB: don't have to ask, dont have to beg
SB: juicy is my name
SB: sex is my game
SB: lets call the boys
SB: lets run a train
SB: squeeze on my nuts
SB: lick on my butt
SB: the natural curly hair, please dont touch
SB: first find the mate
SB: second find a place
SB: third find a bag, to hide the ho face
SB: real name rover
SB: i said bend over
SB: i started to knock, then came the odor
SB: smelled like mush
SB: shouldnt had a woosh
SB: told her to stop, and take a dush
SB: while she did that
SB: i didnt want the cat
SB: so i bounced out and never came back
SB: suck a nigga dick or somethin
SB: my nigga d magic
SB: said he had to have it
SB: i said just forget it, its too craby
SB: know a little freak, in hollywood
SB: sucks on dick, does it real good
SB: shell give you money
SB: feel up your tummy
SB: house full of kids, parents all schummy
SB: once had a down, backyard ground
SB: hit it from the back
SB: enjoy the sound
SB: lay on the cover
SB: always use the rubber
SB: till i got caught, fuckin with her motha
SB: she blamed it on me
SB: we fought in the street
SB: she pulled out a knife, so i had to flee
SB: called up the boys
SB: went to her house
SB: charged the whole place
SB: threw the bitch out
SB: police busted in
CT: D --> Wait, he fled from a female
SB: he man, bitch had a knife
SB: ya i mean bro
SB: where the niggas at
CT: D --> That is so cowardly
CT: D --> Even if she was armed and he was not
SB: neva fuck wit a bitch wit a knife bro
CT: D --> Sorry
SB: we left just in time, and neva came back
SB: roll through the hood, wavin at the freaks
SB: whos sniffin all the rocks, and smoking all the geeks
SB: made another stop
SB: police station
SB: saw a few cops
SB: drove by and sprayed them
SB: licensee tag number
SB: a nigga said he saw
SB: bogus all the time
SB: never get caught
SB: aight man how full are you after that school feed bro?
SB: cause i got one more thing to be tellin ya
CT: D --> I think I can handle more
SB: you think so?
SB: you sure brosef?
SB: how you all feelin my muthafucka?
CT: D --> Confused, mostly
SB: aight do some splainen
CT: D --> Well
CT: D --> All the speaker of that last lesson did was run around and cause trouble
CT: D --> I am down with the trouble
CT: D --> But he always ran away when things got difficolt
CT: D --> Is it not considered
CT: D -->
CT: D --> Fudgesicles
CT: D --> Is it not considered "bad" to fight back when one faces a difficolt situation
CT: D --> And that running away is considered cowardly
SB: jesus fuck man you missed the gog damned whole point
SB: you dart flew out of the mutha fuckin bar and hit a lady in da eye
SB: a lady on a whol notha planet even, shit
CT: D --> I just thought being STRONG was part of being c001
SB: shit man
SB: and you dont even know how you missed it
CT: D --> That beings of a feminie persuassion 100ked up to males who are dominant
SB: say i am a piece of crap that gets nothin
CT: D --> And not afraid of anything
CT: D --> You are a piece of e%crement that does
CT: D --> Oh
SB: haha
SB: say i
SB: equis
SB: equius haha
SB: the sickest fuck
SB: will never get shit
CT: D --> I get it
SB: no
SB: fuckin say it
CT: D --> It
SB: i aint fuckin around here dude
SB: this bro is done fuckin around
SB: you fuckin say what i asked now
CT: D --> You are a piece of crap that gets nothin
SB: bro
SB: bro
SB: i am not fuckin around her
SB: seriously
SB: youre gonna fuckin say what i asked you to say
SB: got on your fuckin knees and do this shit right now before i shove my converse up you yearnin sweaty ass
CT: D --> You want me
CT: D --> On my knees
SB: jegus fuck you pile of shit
SB: down
CT: D --> You were the one who suggested it
SB: bitch
SB: get down
SB: and say what i muthafuckinsaidtosay
CT: D --> Okay
CT: D --> I am down on my knees
CT: D --> And
SB: i swear if you pull some shit
CT: D --> I am a piece of crap that gets nothin
SB: fuck yes
SB: you are you pile
SB: now say i aint nothin
SB: and will neva be nothin
CT: D --> This is depraved
CT: D --> I ain't nothing and will neva be nothin
SB: and
SB: Vou is the bestest best friend ever!
CT: D --> You do know that is a double negetive-
CT: D --> Goddamnit
-- sinisterBro [SB] ceased pestering centaursTesticle [CT] at 21:05 --
CT: D --> <3<
-- sinisterBro [SB] began pestering centaursTesticle [CT] at 21:10 --
SB: no shit man
SB: i know it
-- sinisterBro [SB] ceased pestering centaursTesticle [CT] at 21:10 --

vou fucking trolled me, pc

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