It is my birthday. My friends and roomies (
city_of_night and
took me out to eat at the hometown buffet.
Our studio is a hell hole and I've missed 1 class in each subject (because of an infection) - and my grades aren't so good either... not bad, but not great... I'm a little nervous. :P I got a 'C' on my first academic essay because it wasn't an essay. That and it was 700+ words over the word count limit. Blegh, and I cried when I wrote it... it was about James. My latest 'essay' I took into my writing instructor's office an hour before I missed her class to ask her opinion since I'd be missing the peer review... she said it had the same problem... this one isn't even to 500 words yet and I still have no point... it's not that I have too many topics, it's that I'm afraid to tell the reader to perceive anything in particular.
Biology also not so good.
Math, okay... for now...
I wish I were in a video editing class, then I'd feel like that far ahead of the rest of the class, where here I feel... retarded. Mostly because the tools to learn are obvious and being provided in a very structured, organized fashion and I'm having a very hard time keeping anything like a focus. It's been suggested that I go to school to study, even on days when I don't have school... but it feels so weird!
So I blog about it instead... Oh yeah, I also need to find a job in the next 5 days. :|.
You probably don't wanna read what my homework is so look over there---> (2 gallons of math (2.3-2.7) 12 pounds of biology (interim lab @ 8AM on SATURDAY!!! and a bushel of reading, which of course includes half a bushel of writing... like 150 pages of reading and like to write a better god damned essay.)reduce heat, cover, simmer for days.)
I am super excited, I didn't count on being this nervous... Ack... I'm 26 today. I still feel 15, with my incremental epiphany loops and cyclic Catharsis. Maybe that accounts for my tenaciousness...?